What’s the comfiest game you’ve ever played?

What’s the comfiest game you’ve ever played?

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Fable 2

New Vegas

desert is max comfy


My first run through stardew valley was a one of a kind comfy experience.

Raft or Dawn of Man.

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Animal Crossing: New Horizons unironically.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance. Trekking through medieval European countryside is peak comfy.


Atelier Rorona.


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I think 1 > 2 > 3 but I enjoyed them all a lot and got that same feeling from all three of the games.

This, anyone who says otherwise is a zoomer faggot.

Banjo-Kazooie or Witcher 3

Pokemon Silver



Stalker SOC. Couldn't be comfier.


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stellaris, building tall in my own little corner of the galaxy

Dark Souls 2


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Tales of games. There are more dialogs than in any other jrpg and all of them are interesting to read.

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Sonic 3D Blast
Mario 64/Sunshine
Yoshi (nes)

atlantis lost tales


Yoshi story

Katamari Damacy

The Witness, easily. Exploring the island is like some kind of a spiritual experience to me, this game is incredibly beautiful, calming and soothing

playing minecraft for the first time in 2010 was the absolute peak of comfiness a vidya game could have
second place would be playing dark souls 2 for the first time in 2014
fuck what v says, i liked DS2
it was rewarding, and the atmosphere was godlike


holy based

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Whenever it's raining and there's storm raging during summer, I remember when I played first one, specifically parts of camp at swamp. So fucking comfy


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sunset fishing pond in ocarina of time