Released the tree spirit

>released the tree spirit
Did I fuck up?

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Only if you didn't do the sidequests

>Only way to get good outcome here is go first stumble into the kids at the farm, THEN go free the tree
>Otherwise the witches eat the kids or kill the farm grandma depending on what you do with the tree
That kind of bothered me, but it didn't really matter after finishing the quest.

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I Released the spirit because fuck those three old hags. That end though. God damnit.

It's irrelevant.

That depends on what you value more.
A bunch of innocent children or a murdering baron and his wife and the inhabitants of the nearby village

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I don't give a shit about the village and I'd sacrifice the baron to save the kids even if I like him, I'm concerned that the tree spirit comes back and becomes even worse than the crones

You just released their mom.
There are two books on this subject, which each paint one side of the conflict as the good one.

That is a likely possibility but who knows
There is an in-game text describing the spirit as the "mother" of the crones.

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What are they? I only know She Who Knows

I free the tree.

The crones are evil. Simple as.

But the spirit is also evil.
Huh I guess you must choose between one evil and another.

>Crones evil
>Tree spirit eviler
>Ciri gets rid of the crones regardless of what you do anyway but tree might have free reign

Now what?

So is the tree.

I wanted to replay this recently but the gameplay is absolutely diarrhea dogshit, from the combat, through the collectables-overload crafting to the witcher vision cuckoldry, every part of the gameplay itself is bottom of the barrel.

I literally spent 150 hours on my first playthrough, DLC's included. I don't know how I did it and I wish I could do it again because I do think the setting and dialogue/cutscenes are great.

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Play on easy mode and just sleep through the gameplay

anybody else like to do a bumble fuck playthough and try to get the worst possible outcome in every situation?

Dont talk shit about gameplay until you've spend hours in the swamp of Witcher 1 only for it to crash and force you to restart from when you first entered the zone

But village will get fucked if you relase spirit. Either way people will die.

Oh yeah, Witcher 1 was no picnic either. The swamp wasn't even the worst, I hated that other zone in the second half of the game where you had to go back and forth ad nauseam in fields of wheat and grass.

>free spirit
>get bounty on evil spirit
>do witcher's job
>get paid

That's what I did on my second run. I played death march on my first playthrough and it wasn't bad because at least I had to pay attention but it wasn't great either, just serviceable. Second playthrough I started death march and after white orchard I just went fuck it, turned it to very easy and had an enjoyable run. I also turned off my autismo and completely ignored all the question marks and just played through the main quest and whatever secondary quests I happened by instead of chasing all of them, the game was much better on that front.

that's why you save you stupid nigger

Other than sounding evil and being vaguely spooky, Geralt doesn't actually have concrete information that the tree spirit is evil, and even if he assumed it was evil, he still doesn't know if it would actively try harming others or be content with fucking off to go do it's own thing (after all you could still be evil but simply wish to go off on your own and not bother with humans).

It's said to be evil, but I don't see the evil acts it has done.


For all I care, it could be evil to the fucking crones.

It literally murders a whole village as soon as you release it. I get that the village was under the crones protection but they're still just swamp hicks trying to get by.

>would you like to go to the swamp?
>are you sure?
>boatride cutscene
>loading screen
>owl sound effect
>ominous string section and frog noises as you enter
>can see 50 million drowners and bloedzuigers in the distance
>you'll be here for at least 20 hours

That's after it gets released though. Geralt has no reason to assume it will kill people if it's released. For all he knows it could have been a benign nature spirit or the soul of some normal human who got put into a twisted tree prison by the Crones.

The only serious arguments against releasing it is meta knowledge about what happens later in the game, or the fact that the video game plays ominous music to act as foreshadowing to make it obvious that it's an evil spirit. Geralt doesn't know any of this shit though, all he sees is some spirit/soul trapped inside the tree by three psychopath Crones who literally kill and eat children.

Really? I need to check wiki for that, I don't remember.

Then again, this is the same village that seals it, fair is fair.

Fair point but I think Geralt has been in the business long enough to have a good instinct about these sort of things. Plus even without the music, that thing just screams evil. I know don't judge a book by it's cover etc etc but when this fucking monstrosity is just like "bring me a horse and cut it's throat so that the blood spills over me to release me, I'm totally a good guy I swear", you should suspect it's probably evil.

It has a similar title, i think one book talks about the spirit going mad and the other talks about the three growing jealous.