what kind of mental disease one need to have to enjoy idolshit and vtubers?
What kind of mental disease one need to have to enjoy idolshit and vtubers?
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dear god
One of the following:
Unironically autism and being severely socially stunted. I know people that are into that shit and they have never even dated a girl. It's an easy outlet to them
crippling lonelyness due to lack of social skills and personal hygene
>they have never even dated a girl
Haha, what losers...I-I mean everybody did that already so it's kinda funny...
My guess is it's the result of people acclimating to excessive human interaction in the form of social media and smart devices after having been raised in a world where leaving the tv or radio on for background noise is the norm. It's lonely people who need to be continuously bombarded with the random musing of some dude with the persona of someone pretending to be socially and culturally relevant. Very much like all of us here talking to one another except instead they're trying to experience this connection and illusion of social and cultural relevancy vicariously through following them online.
>being hetero is a mental disease
You LGBT people really know no limits.
Glad I'm not a h*terofag then.
Boredom. Wanting to have something play in the background but not nails on chalkboard vocal fry english speaking female
I mean you get a pass if you're ugly, I'm talking about average or above average people who are just really autistic
Autogynephilia and porn sickness
The same kind of mental disease to unironically enjoy something as boring as Log Horizon
Idol music has some fucking banger remixes though.
imagine being so brainlet that you get filtered by Log Horizon of all things
Socially deprived
I follow some guy on twitter because I like his youtube remixes and then I found out he's into those things.
Turns out he's so hideous and fat that it clicked for me.
You're a literal undateable fat fuck who will never experience real human connection without it being ironic and forced so you resort to these "cute" and "safe" places where you can't be rejected.
Neither of those Anons, but even if we restrict it to female idols maybe it's about intent? If you're in it at least partially because you're attracted to the girls you're straight, if you're in it for any other reason (especially appreciating the fashion or any other barbie doll sounding thing) you're "gay"
Both of them are retarded in any case and so am I for trying to rationalize it
>As boring as log horizon
t. SAO fan
the duality of man
I don't know, but I caught it from here. Also, I'm looking forward to Log Horizion S3. They better keep DATABASE as the OP again, I enjoy the shitposting based around it.
Will there even be an S3? S2 got butchered by DEEN and then the last I heard the author got arrested for tax evasion.