Is it worth a playthrough...

Is it worth a playthrough? I dont know a thing about it but it's been sitting in my library for years and figured I'd give it a try.

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Sure. The combat system sucks and it's very linear, but the story is good enough and the setting is interesting.

Yes, has a blunderbuss. Don't expect too much because it's an incomplete Bioware game but it's a great setting and you'll have fun.

Be aware the PC port is a little fucked and makes the game more difficult.

I just remember Paralyzing Palm being OP as fuck.

>I trained him wrong, as a joke

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thats not even remotely true. in fact he trained you to be the strongest you could be because he wanted to use your power for his own gain. the stronger you are, the better for him

If you like pre-EA Bioware it's good, feels a bit half finished though.

Oh. I didn't know that.

how long is the game if i started right now from beginning to end

It's been ages but I think I clocked around 6-7 hours. Possibly shorter.

gog version runs alright without much work, other versions are kinda fucked. origin in particular has a few really nasty crashes, so just save often.
If you're bumrushing the main story, probably 8 hours first go round. If you stop and smell the roses a bit and do sidequests you can easily clock 12-14.

Best Bioware game after old Bioware but before NuBioware.

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I don't think it aged well and it was clearly rushed.

But hey still miles better than the garbage nu-Bioware shits out these days.

>starting style
>spirit thief
>toad/golem transformation

best loadout

Poisoning the guy towards the beginning was based.

Not even. The characters are bland, lacking flair and personality, beyond the stereotypes they represent, story is uninspired and carried by the art vision of the design department, fights are tedious and combat is slow, even on normal, but that may have been because of . Your main character dies, gets brought back immediately, the twist was predictable and not even close to being cool. It was better than anything Bioware shat out, since DA2 and on, but it is a 7/10.

You mean giving fake medicine?

except when he trained you wrong as a joke

i did it in 9h.

Whats the more interesting playthough? open or closed palm? And I'm guessing closed is outright evil.
Also can i fuck companions?

The Kotor games are some of, if not my all time favorite games. Because of that I finally decided to give this game a try last year. Overall it's a solid 7/10 but if you're like me and enjoy this kind of game then I recommend it but don't expect it to be amazing. I also think this game kinda marked the beginning of the end for Bioware as I wouldn't even call it an RPG. Sure it has multiple dialogue options and classes to choose from but the stats have been neutered down to just health, mana, and stamina (*cough* like Skyrim *cough*) and it plays much more like an action, adventure game with RPG elements.

Also it's blatantly obvious that the game was rushed. For example, there are about 7 chapters in the game. I spent roughly 90% of my play time on the first 4 chapters and breezed through the last three in one sitting.

I will say this for it though, it has probably the best arena quest-line/story arc in any video game I've played.

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I can sum up the game as
untill you realize the only good part was the setting and story.

Dragon Age Origins and Mass Effect 1 blow Jade Empire out of the water and Mass Effect 2 is at least as good as it as well. What are you talking about?

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Damn Reddit, dropping spoilers? Rude.

Inquisition was so absolutely trash. How could anyone stand to play that game

The build customization saves it from being shit teir.

KotoR is a 8/10 game. Carried by the SW skin and some very playing it safe story telling. BG2 is the pinnacle of Bioware.

>Ever not being nostalgia fagging bootlickers
Sorry, but no.

That's just a referencial joke, because the weakness he used to kill you was included in your training, that's why you fall so easily.

It manages to capture the feeling of the original Star Wars trilogy and put it in an RPG. For that alone it gets bumped up a few points as no other game has managed to do this since. And I say this as a Kotor 2 fanboy.

Setting and story are good. Everything else is shit.
Just go and play Nioh instead since that also has good gameplay.

loser taste lmao

You mean storm dragon.

lol fag

But he also left one glaring weakness to your fighting style, that he knew how to counter with ease.

>It manages to capture the feeling of the original Star Wars trilogy
In other words, you're saying it's a playing it safe rehash. Which is fine, you don't have to reinvent the wheel and at least they didn't do it the Disney way. But it's just a decent, good game. Baldur's Gate 2 is much more imaginative, has better dialogue, a better gameplay system, a wider and better cast of characters. It's non-comparable.

It's absolutely worth playing through, especially as a Mass Effect fan, since you can see where a lot of the more extreme/beta characters and personalities got sanded down a little to being similar to what we see in Mass Effect.

The story isn't all that amazing and you probably know the only really meaningful twist if you've spent any time on Yas Forums, but it's a legitimately solid game. And the Closed Path, Open Fist dynamic is sliiiightly better than Yas Forums typically gives it credit for. And hey, you can have a threesome relationship with both the girls if you chase them both and refuse to choose either.

Here's a minor complaint/spoiler though:

For me the most fun parts of these kind'a games is playing "Evil" route and corrupting your followers along those lines. Jade Empire does this well, Dawn Star basically winds up as a follower of you, so through your conversations with her, you can take her from 100% good right down to 100% evil, and it's great. However, there's a part near the end where you play as Dawn Star by herself... and because the programmers are retarded, during that part she's set at her default state, that is 100% good again. Which she retains even when she rejoins your party... undoing all the corruption you've done, just from a bug.

Which means if you're doing a Closed Fist run, when you get to the MAJOR evil choices right at the end of the game, suddenly this pure good Dawn Star will oppose all of them, forcing you to kill her, or choose the Open Palm options, despite doing a Closed Fist run. Shitsucks, so instead just make sure you've got the right saves before that happens, and use Cheat Engine or a trainer or whatever else to get her back to pure evil.

Obviously if you're playing Open Palm that's not an issue.

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