How fucked up has gaming made you thread

I dont like playing video games anymore. Its not that they are all bad is that I feel like an underachiever who wasted his potential. I dont have friends or people that genuinely care for me. I am desperate to find a human connection. I cant seem to find anyone no matter what I try. I am not ugly but only 5'7, 30 now and loneliness is killing me and options are smaller by day. I get fatter every single day cause sugar is only thing that makes sudden dopamine releases sometimes.

My last resort is to get fit after outbreak comes down and earn some side money to buy some expensive things to possibly fool some females.Even when I do the above I still dont have any means of meeting people and If that wont work I will kill myself by the end of Autumn.

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There is no escape. You've been playing games since the SNES as your main hobby, and never really had any ambitions, so now your life is pointless.

I know because it's me

You're fucking retarded if you think that 3DPD women are important.


Why are you blaming video games. I've never met you user, for all i know you have limitless potential, maybe in 10 years you will be the president of united states, maybe you will be successful with a wife and 2 kids. If i can imagine the potential you have, why cant you?
Your life is every moment, including now, you can quite literally start at this very second.
Change depends entirely on you, just get up and do it.

I have everything you say you want and I still play video games.

Just get a second hobby that requires you to be around people. Join a book club or a whiskey tasting club or something. Start going to local community theater shows if you're particularly horny. It's not that hard, just find something you like other than vidya. Vidya is on a steady decline anyway.

All of the married men in my friend group still play video games, they just get to play less of them. That's what a wife is: less video game time. Do you want your vidya time taken by a succubus? I didn't think so.

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I mean I'm leaving the country to do my dream job so I turned it around. I just don't want the same to happen to OP

trust me height doesn't matter. im friends with a bunch of short guys and they have great relationships with pretty girls. focus on developing yourself as a person but also learn to accept yourself for who you are. only then will you find your potential.

why would she care about what porn 'we' watch

I couldn’t relate with zoomers so I only played CK2 after work. L4D2 is fun but jesus its eating into my daily productivity.

Don't worry about it, user. You probably never had any potential in the first place.

Well I don't want a real woman so go away pig

the same reason they care about us palying videogames, controll over us, not every relationship is like this tough, I know a few cases where the couple remains good pals who understand each other, but most are a power fight where the one who has less to lose wins

Yeah, let's not sugarcoat this. If you're 30 and live in a basement, you won't become president. Or even someone respectable.

>I need to live for women
>I must be fit for women
>I must study so I get rich and can find a woman
>I must travel so I'm interesting to women
>woman woman woman

imagine being this pathetic and making your world linger around a vagina.

Congrats, that's great to hear. I'm also doing my dream job (or was until covid, should be back to work soon)

I just try to post the same advice in all of these threads, I've done it for years. A lot of anons despair over social isolation, no gf, etc. But when you ask them about their average day it's usually
>grocery store
and it's no wonder they feel lost. There's nothing wrong with gaming/movies/other solitary hobbies, nothing wrong with drinking with your discord bros, etc. But there really isn't anything to gain in being a total recluse.

This but unironically.
This too. Every woman I've had sex with loves at least 1 videogame.

>letting the femoid have any power over you
never gonna make it

>there really isn't anything to gain in being a total recluse.
this whole quarantine made me realize my live haven't changed much, I didn't go out because money tough

this. imagine putting a glorified jizz bin on a pedestal lmao

Op you're a faggot
I dumped a girl because she made me play FFX


Its not about women you retards. I said Its about having people in your life. Family friends or gf to say the least. I also forgot to mention that i live in Eastern Europe and you need friends to make other friends. Even without an outbreak I dont have any excuses to leave my house

I started playing when I was like 8. Was a soccer playing Chad, have pretty vivid memories of girls liking me all the time. Around middleschool I moved to a new state and fell off hard. Just started playing vidya, never got back into sports and that continued through highschool where I got pretty chubby and switched schools again, and I started getting bullied around that time. Lift weights now and only play very niche games, and even then there is no way I play more than 5 hours of vidya a week even having been on quarantine recently.

I don't think vidya is bad for you provided you find that balance. If it is all you do though it probably isn't great.

Men want women who can cook and clean, not bitch and moan about bullshit that doesn't matter. You put away your phone and social media and I'll put my games in a box. Until then, go get fucked by Chad and Tyrone.

Let's show these whores we mean business. Gamers, rise up!

What else am I supposed to do faggot?

>i live in Eastern Europe
much worse of a problem than no gf

Kill yourself fag.

Read these books.

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>changing your whole lifestyle for women

It's what you have to do if you want to get laid.

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Listen you fucking disgusting 1 bit whore (I call yo 1 bit and not two bit because women only have 1 bit that matters, their loose little cunt, yours is so loose that a slight tug would see it come off your body altogether but I digress)-


You are not welcome here. Nobody wants you here. You come to this board and what do you see? Men discussing the ACHIEVEMENTS OF MEN. Nobody has ever come to this board and made a thread a female for anything other than mocking and laughing. We talk about men here. We worship men here. We praise men. We are inspired by men. I don't want to hear your fucking Muculent cunt lips slapping together, still trying to get down the last of the cum that some fucking back alley stick waving iceman shot over them. No. I want to talk Kojima, or ZUN, or George Kamitami, or Kamiya. You know what all these men have in common? They fuck women. But they hate women. I hate women. Yas Forums hates woman. I know that as I type this I have all of Yas Forums standing behind me, chucking their penises into the air in triumph, as we say


I'm not your mommy, I'm not gonna pick out a hobby for you. It depends on what else your interests are.
Camping/hiking/etc are popular even among successful people. It also forces you to have pleasant interactions with people in a casual context.

I'm not really outdoorsy, but I like live music and theater. There's a few cheap local places I frequent, I became friends with the other regulars, feel comfortable around new people who show up.

There's art galleries, book clubs, wine tastings. Just find something you like for its own merits and keep doing it. Just make sure it's not another solitary hobby, you already have enough of those.

>because money
if you're in a city there's always halfway interesting shit to do for cheap. you have to deal with annoying hipsters, but there's cool ppl too

Most based post I’ve ever seen on this board holy shit. Fuck roasties

All I ever do is play video games, go to work and kickbox. Vidya is unbeatable. Nothing else in life comes close to it. The adventures, the stories, the visual setpieces, the challenges.... Sure lots of games fall short of what they could be if the devs or publishers weren't greedy but vidya is still the best thing in this life.

And people? People are fucking stupid. A sea of mongoloids who can't think for themselves. NPC's, conformsits and non-conformists. Reactionaries, front-end news regurgitators, college "educated" fuckwits. People who never exercise and think they're depressed when in reality they don't ever do anything to let their bodies release endorphins, so they go to quack psychologists who take advantage of them with subscription pills.

All I do is play video games and kickbox when not at work. Do I get lonely? Sure. But to find a single normal human being to be friends with in this day and age, not even a partner but a friend of the same sex, is a complete and utter fucking time-sink of the highest magnitude. In every 100 people, there's only ONE person who might be worth your time. That's fucking abhorrent. But that's the world we're living in. No fucking thanks.

In other words, I'll never understand people on Yas Forums who hate all vidya and wish they had a social life.

You want to swim in the sea of retards, then go do it. Nothing's stopping you. Idiots.

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Pretty sure the molestation and relentless bullying made me a fuck up, not games.

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i dumped my only gf cuz she listened to black veil brides and kept asking for my phone

>women want
Who the fuck cares.
You take what's on offer or you die lonely with your cats.

Attached: smoker_1950_01.jpg (487x486, 84.98K) faggot

But my gf loves trap porn way more than I do

>I work full-time and still play video games. Occasionally, only get 4-5 hours a day which is not too bad.
>I have friends and people that care for me fortunately.
>I also find time to go running at least three times a week.
>I made the mistake of buying clothes to impress women and never again. I'd rather spend it on video games or music equipment.

It seems like you're blaming your escapism which is video games. It could also be binge watching netflix instead of fixing the problem

It didn't fuck me up much as I don't let vidya consume my whole life faggot

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As a married man with a kid. It is better to be alone and jerk off to waifus and play Vidya all day than to live a normie life.

Source: me.
Don't fall for it. Sex eventually gets old unless you sleep with different chicks every month

So satisfying.

Cope and seethe

Imagine aspiring to wanting kids


40, single and still enjoying video games here. Maybe you need to man the fuck up and start doing shit you like regardless of what others tell you, especially women.

"Achieving something in your life" is just bullshit brainwashing. You do what you want, go where you want and own to your decisions, that is the kind of life that you as a man should aspire to.

damn i should kickbox

Based and fuckholespilled

Well, it's hard to argue against her.

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grass is always greener aint it

Rich never changed for a woman. He loved scoops and Chipotle.



>>I have friends and people that care for me fortunately.
There you go. I dont. Even those that I hang out sometimes are having their own social circles that I am not a part off and i think something is wrong with me. Last summer i was running every day for two month and was satisfied with my look. I am not a teen anymore I have money to socialize, even then I have no one to talk to or hang out. Sometimes several days passes before I talk to another human being , not counting a store clerk. This summer I plan to do the same and get some professional help before I kill myself and end it for good.

>if you're in a city there's always halfway interesting shit to do for cheap

yeah, I had an objective, bought a home at 33 by not going outside and saving money, when this whole quarantine is over and I get some furnitures and a TV, I'm going to start setting a diposable income to spend on whatever I want

I'm not saying my way of living is the best idea, I know I wasted a lot of my youth, but I am ugly and short. my youth wasn't exactly fun when I tried going outside, so I focused on getting what I wanted alone, I got kinda tunnel visioned on my target of living on my own and not paying mortage

it's been interesting, being alone was sad at the begining but not everybody with a wife/gf is happy, grass is always greener on the other side, my plan is to get the best life I can on my own and maybe then share it with somebody else, or not, I won't depend on anybody to be happy.

dogs are great company to share my house with, porn satisfies my livido and real friends who have been with me for years and want nothing on exchange are all the human interaction I need, only thing I miss is pasional love, but as I said, that will come, or not, I'll do the best with the cards I have.

anyway sorry for blogposting on a videogame board, this quarantine is hitting me hard, it's been over a month

Regarding the image, I wonder how many women are even aware that this also applies to them. What I mean is, what makes them worthwhile to men? I can't wait for the age of sexbots and artificial human wombs, it gonna be a massive bomb dropped on this monopoly they have had for all of human existence.

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It is hard to meet people out of the blue. Most people meet people through hobbies. What do you like, besides video games?

The most based post I saw whole day

These threads are rough
Why?.I can relate. I know depression. I know isolation.i know having no friends

That time for me is over. But it is hard to get someone out of that rut. I spent so long in it I didn't think it was possible to climb out but it is. But from the perspective of a depressed loner it's hard to see that. Really really hard to see that
. I'm not gonna offer suggestions and shit it's will be mostly the same ones people already tell you but just know things can change, it will be hard and take effort but your life does not have to remain the way it is forever

You don't change it specifically for a woman, ever. But you want to change; improve your lifestyle and yourself to attract and arouse women in general.

honestly based and holespilled

I made my waifu real and we don't even have sex anymore

user they're already banning sexbots before they've been created. Do you really think women will allow competition to exist?

>what makes them worthwhile to men?
Their hole, literally. Sorry to break it but women will always find some guy willing to accept them, regardless of what utter shit they've done in their past.

Dude you are literally only 33. There are countless men like you dealing with it.

desu, yes you should, it's a great way to recharge physically and then go home and kick back with some vidya

It's like that feel when you drink fresh coffee or a redbull or consume some other shit to make you feel extra good while you play, but without actually ingesting shitty chemicals.

Achieve something. Do you work? Did you study? If not, you absolutely should climb the ladder in society. That's how girls will be attracted to you. They want you to have a position in society. Don't listen to incels who shit on women. They're natural creatures just like you and just want to procreate with a decent male. Become "cool", get fit and you'll never be alone.


Sounds like you need to do some drugs and stop being a fag. You don't even sound like an alcoholic. God what a retard.