It’s a well known fact that he had final fantasy 7 on his pc in his compound. What do you think he would’ve though about the changes they made?
What do you think he would have thought of the remake?
>Devil May Cry
>Dragon Ball Z
>hentai games
good taste for a towelhead
he would certainly sign the petition below:
Didn't he have bible black too?
he probably wouldnt have bought it cause he is a notor...he *was* a notoriously cheap fucking bastard even though the Bin Laden company is worth over 1 billion dollars. Just some rich asshole that tried to tell other people how to behave...he probably woulda pirated the game though which is based. Though he also liked Case Closed so thats pretty cool.
Osama cofirmed final boss
He gave up his share to the family riches to go Jihad on the inficels.
wouldnt he as a fundamentalist Muslim be horrified due to Tifa and Aerith ?
"Games like this is why I bombed japan"
that was Shoko Asahara
I know. And he lived incredibly modestly. yet that doesnt disolve the fact that he was part of the 1% born with a silver spoon in his mouth. I dont need some rich asshole telling others how to live when they live in a contorted reality. He had servants and they were paid shit wages. He was all about "helping the muslim people" yet he caused so many of their deaths. He can fuck right off. I wish he was alive to see the cranes fall in Mecca
There are no honest fundamentalists, it's like a universal law.
The message of jihad is weak in remake so he wouldn't like it
Relax dude
>avalanche makes a small bomb
>shinra knows in advance so they put a bigger bomb
>bin Laden crashes two planes
>the goberment knows it in advance so they put explosives on the wtc and trows a missile against the pentagon
Imagine the FBI boomers ITT who have to figure out if the hacker known as Yas Forums is pro-Osama.
He would order a hit on Nomura, Nomura would be visiting New York
Allahu Akbar for Square Enix
>All that anthro entry-level furryshit
I wonder how his kids turned out.
He had Advent Children, not the game.
>Wow they really did a great job on the Bombing Mission :)
He did?
In all likelihood, those were just for entertainment while he was bunked up somewhere waiting. I'd like to see his reaction to that bullshit Resident Evil movie though.
>What?! It was an inside job?!
>Osama wrote a strongly-worded letter to Squaresoft telling them in detail how the Bombing Run mission could've been improved
>SE actually took it into consideration for the Remake
>They're now forced by law to credit him in the credits
>Counter Strike
>Final Fantasy
>Dragon Quest
>Metroid Prime
>Mario & Luigi
He was literally /ourguy/. He has better taste than 90% of Yas Forums
Did he play as CT or Terrorist though. thats the question.
>late 90's osama played the game about eco-terroists bombing the real estate of greedy capitalists
is it a coincidence
He probably would've put a bounty on Nomura's head.
>We could've gotten a timeline where Nomura would've been declared a prime target of the Muslm Caliphate
9/11 truly ruined everything.
what wll happen if osama is still here