I don't like this kind of artstyle and it's everywhere: fortnite, paladins, overwatch, dota underlords, valorant, etc

I don't like this kind of artstyle and it's everywhere: fortnite, paladins, overwatch, dota underlords, valorant, etc.

Attached: stylized char.jpg (952x1024, 439.79K)

It's like they are made of toon clay.

Attached: fortnite-penny-town.jpg (1600x1600, 217.42K)

fat latina ass

i agree with this post

Different games, but they are all cut by the same pattern.

Attached: raze-valorant-beta.jpg (1200x650, 51.22K)

I'm not a big fan of it either. Something about the proportions and the color palette. It's a bit too Disney Channel for me. I also never liked the colors of rave fashion (which is designed to be worn in dimly lit rooms, not washed out light)

I see no issues
no this is not porn and is a legit in game skin

Attached: 93703D34-2F40-4620-A256-44FDA3C9CC48.jpg (1280x720, 71.71K)

It's a response to the hyper realism that was increasingly present in 3D games from like 2001 -2015. Before higher poly models and detailed textures were standard there was a blurred line between what was stylized and what people called realistic. People have called OoT realistic.

Attached: 2282506-TombRaider_44166_screen.jpg (600x337, 75.92K)

her and viper are easily the hottest of the 4

its cheap, its easy to made, its performance friendly, plus you can port this shit to mobile easily if needed and thats why you see it everywhere now aday

Sure, but I still prefer other colorful aesthetics like cel shading, anime, whatever the fuck Mario is, etc

Remember to purchase Pokimane's Fortnite self-insert costume for your Epic Victory Royale moments!!!!!!!!!

I don’t know who that is or what the skin looks like

literally who

These games have such a simple and cartoonish art/ character style yet the girls in these games get me the hardest.

Attached: 1561899108257.jpg (5760x3240, 1.27M)

that was a mock-up by someone that kept getting reposted on Yas Forums with the handle of the artist erased.

so what game is this from
i legit can't tell
looks like it could belong in any of these popular zoomer fps/tps

I wish more games took TF2's approach and stylized their designs after unique artists/painters instead of going for this safe Pixar look

Attached: 089.jpg (899x1368, 745.34K)

TF2's artstyle is literally Pixar shit

I don't care what you like. I waited decades for colors to come back to video games.

>proportions and the color palette
Maybe check the official art, not fan made coomer bait where they download ripped models, inflate asses and tits, add some retarded face expression, and top it with shitty colors/lighting.
>inb4 Fortnite and Valorant look like shit on official art
Yes they do indeed, I'm talking about OW, since that has most of the patreon "artists" sponsored by coomers, because the characters are actually well designed ant memorable.

shes just like me!

OPs pic is a fan edit but that's Sombra from Overwatch in her Summer Games skin.

Attached: SombraDance.webm (1920x1080, 2.34M)

you could've removed the hud and told me it was from paladins and i would've believed you 100%
fuck this timeline

lol wow bro you are so cynical and shit

don't use words you don't know the meaning of, zoomer

Says the blind guy with terminal contrarianism


>no no no i know it's cartoony shit BUT NOT THAT cartoony shit lol everything valve does is pure and original lol trust me I am a drone

TF2 is actually what's inspiring them. It's an art style that can stay good looking for the years they plan on supporting the games and can be ported and played on low powered machines to increase its potential audience.

Nobody has put the effort into developing the art style as Valve did though.

Caricatures are the hallmark or Disney and Pixar. The west use that art style as inspiration, as much as Japan like using anime for theirs.

Attached: heavy.jpg (900x582, 81.3K)

> stay good looking for the years
>they plan on supporting the games

same, it’s made for retarded gamer zoomers

It's the overall trend in recent media. Basically remove all "rough/pointy edges", make the animation and graphics smooth and appealing etc.
It has proven many times that it has mass appeal, especially among children and zoomers which need everything to be sterile and harmless to not challenge their tastes/minds too much.
And honestly, i do prefer more simplistic/stylized arstyle to "realistic" meme that is a recent curse plaguing video games. It allows to give more soul and personality to characters and the game, but those are not the case here. This design is pure corporate safe decision made for mass appeal. It reminds me of Mobile Games artstyle.
Honestly from all those i only tolerate Overwatch designs, but only tolerate. They still lack some needed edge, but the girls are hot.

Attached: 324234.png (1047x1276, 1.67M)

the fuck are you on about
consult a dictionary

I mean, ideally.