>releasing a vr game when headsets are out of stock and factories are closed
No headsets
shame... fun game tough
Funny thing is, I got my VR headset the day the game came out, but had a busted controller. So I returned it (got my money back, couldn't have them repair it cuz it was 3rd party) and when I tried ordering my headset again, the price skyrocketed for every headset to $800+ CAD.
actually Rift S and Quest are coming back in stock
I only care about the WMR headsets since I can easily connect them to my laptop and they're more portable.
Does your laptop not have a display port?
Acer Nitro 5, only has an HDMI I think.
I personally think Rift S is superior to WMR
The release date was announced a long time ago though. You think they should have just delayed it indefinitely until the pandemic is over? Doing that to everyone who already owns a set sounds like a much worse decision.
In terms of tracking, yes. But the WMR headsets are cheaper, more portable, pretty good screens, and I don't mind the tracking.
I've been using a Samsung Odyssey Plus, pissed that I had to refund it and have to wait for them to get back in stock.
>more portable
they seem just as portable as each other.
No need for room setup when using a WMR headset. That's what I mean
room setup only takes like 30 seconds with Rift S.
I have an 4GB rx 580. In alyx my fps drop to 45 fps at times particularly when i look at my hand to switch guns or in the menus. It reminds me of a common vsync bug where the game flips between half vsync and full vsync. But im not certain if its my 4GB of VRAM because people with 970s and the 3GB 1060s dont really seem to have much issue if they stay on low like me.
I've used a display port to HDMI adapter and it gave me flickering on my oddyssey plus. You absolutely need a dedicated hdmi port.
How well does it work in a bed?
Not sure, didn't try it when I had a Rift S.
must be an issue with Radeon cards then.
Odyssey plus has better better resolution and refresh rate and is the way to go if you plan on upgrading to index controllers.
>Odyssey plus has better better resolution and refresh rate and is the way to go if you plan on upgrading to index controllers
You'll still need to get base stations though
How does the index controllers work with a WMR headset? Do you just plug in the WMR headset and connect the Index controllers to the computer somehow? idk how Index controllers work.
>idk how Index controllers work.
they require base station tracking
Not interested then lol. I do know that the tracking is apparently amazing.
You had months to get one though.
is it good? I was watcing a playthrough and it looks fucking great.
Some don't like how Valve picked VR comfort over mobility and the limited guns but I thought it made sense. Alyx isn't wearing a hev suit that lets her outrun cars and carry an entire armory on her back. Wouldn't mind seeing people do faster stuff with the SDK though.
I liked how consistent the vr usage was. They expected you to use 3D motion for prop and puzzles all the time and little things like covering your mouth to prevent breathing in nasties is simple and intuitive.
who else /indexchad/ here?
the slow movement looked fine, I can't see it being a major issue. From what I can tell everything's been scaled down so you have smaller environments but they're dense in interactivity / detail to compensate. Makes the whole thing look more "real" imo, and I assume it feels that way playing it too.
I wish the game had melee combat
It's not a deal breaker for me.
It's pretty good. A lot of the complaints people have about the game are shitposters who have never tried VR in their lives. If you don't have a headset, you should get one just to experience the full range of VR games. It will never fully replace traditional gaming, but it's immersive as all hell.
But yeah, HL:A is deemed the best VR game around right now. Games like boneworks might be technically more advanced, but Alyx provides the best well rounded experience. It's genuinely the next Half Life game.
>From what I can tell everything's been scaled down so you have smaller environments but they're dense in interactivity / detail to compensate.
I think it's vice-versa really. Despite the low resolution of most headsets, you notice low detail stuff a lot more than you would on a monitor. Areas feel bigger too. So while it looks cramped and crowded by desktop fps standards, it feels fine in vr. Some larger areas did lag for me though.
Things aren't scaled down in Half Life Alyx, most video games are scaled up. Having true to life-scaled environments would be hell to navigate with M+KB.
I feel that applies to a lot of things when going from desktop to vr. Like people pick on the movement speed but the only reason you run 50mph in Quake is so you can feel some sort of rush while playing on a tiny monitor.