Defend this

Defend this

Attached: Warcraft-3-Reign-of-Chaos-Human-Campaign-March-of-the-Scourge.jpg (960x720, 133.24K)

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Damn. A single level in War3 is 30 minutes of gameplay. That's good value.


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I remember playing this game with my step brother on GameRanger. Legion TD was fucking amazing

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I'll never forget, as a kid I had just a single building left and the timer ran out.

Property of Blizzard (™)

Man, Legion TD was a lot of fun.


I know that feel, user. This level filtered me hard when I was 10, I came back when I was 13 and beat the shit out if by sheer luck.
>tfw you build towers in the south road and those precious 5 seconds the undead take to get there pay off
Now I know that stopping the infection carts heavily minimize the undead attacks so it's not really that hard. Still, it was a thrill as a kid.

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Yeah, I was quite shocked how easy it was, even on Hard difficulty when I came back to it.

I wonder if it's practically possible to actually attack and disable the 3 undead forts sending waves to you?

I remember playing X hero, battleship, dota, and some troll survival game where you had to hunt deer make traps and kill other players

I'd rather defend Aiur.

Attached: salvation.jpg (960x540, 219.38K)


warcraft 4 when?

I remember battleship.
My favorite custom games were Warlock and Card Shuffle.

absolute madlad, was it on hard?

I would play the fuck out of any TD or Maul

Pokemaul a best

Footmen Wars
What were your favorite customs?

island troll tribes
alliance vs horde
wmw & ttw
civ wars

fuck you so much Blizzard

Custom Hero Footies
Blood Toornament (Did a fuckton of those with the gang back in 2011 in High School)
Uther Party

Hero Push
Custom Footmen Frenzy
Maul TD’s
playing footies with my friend was probably my all time favorite.

Yeah, you see it at the start.

why do these bases exist in the first place? you aren't meant to interact with them. could've used a spawn trigger.

Can you imagine this game is now actually dead online? It's such a sad thing. It's just gone, forever. We need to pirate an older version and play through VPN or Hamachi-tier shit to play with friends again.
What an atrocity.
I used to make my own maps back in the day. I was 12 so they were pretty unpolished and probably shit, but I enjoyed them. I got really into customizing the UI and adding custom models and icons.

Custom games are permanently dead. Prime Warcraft 3 will NEVER come back. Reforged was a garbage cash-in on people's nostalgia.

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Are there any still active pirate version communities where i can play custom maps?

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4 what? they already botched the lore

Dota Custom footies and Vampire fire.

>alt + tab

>not destroying all the undead bases

Civ Wars
Footman Frenzy
Uther Party