If I kill you I will be JUST LIKE YOU

>if I kill you I will be JUST LIKE YOU
>proceeds to kill low level mooks the whole game
Why is this trope still being used today? It was never good.

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Other urls found in this thread:


then: >I believe money corrupts people, hence all of my YouTube earnings will go to charity

now: >YouTube Drama, views views views, Official moneymaker podcast, Patreon, Virtue signalling interchanged with pee-pee-poo-poo humor, YT videos are basically just twitch highlights now inbetween "addressing controversy dramas"

i unsubbed every eceleb that stood by idubbbz and you should too

stop supporting degeneracy

May I ask for a quick rundown.

>Joji went off to be a gay Soundcloud rapper
>Maxmoefoe plays with Pokemon cards now
>iDubbbz is a confirmed cuck
>Pewdiepie went back to playing shitty games and Reddit videos
>Jontron is riding on Flextape memes
>H3H3 is a sellout and a hypocrite
>Dunkey constantly goes full retard
>Cr1tikal face reveal
What happened to these guys? Is it the end of an era?

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Friendly reminder that iDubbbz is suing Yas Forums for making fun of his girlfriend.


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he was right all along

Hey hey people, Cr1tikal here

he puts out a vid a day and they all get a minimum of half a million views, not to mention he's got a shitton of twitch subs
dude must be fucking raking it in, guess he decided that charity is shit and you may as well rinse this shit for what you can

cr1tikal fucking sucks and has for years now. his videos aren't funny and he sniffs his own farts now

It pretty much is. There's barely anyone worthwhile left to watch. This faggy cabal of drama YouTubers who as far as I'm concerned, are all in cahoots with each other, and who are stuck in 2016 drama, is trying to hold onto those drama bucks but also stay within whatever shitty new rules YT comes up with. Others just moved to twitch where they also stay within strict and intentionally vague rules, but produce content of zero effort.

And now the guy who supposedly blew them the fuck out is a confirmed cuck, the guy who helped him make one of the content cops is a confirmed two faced jewish fuck, and everyone orbiting around them smells of shit one way or another.

It does feel depressing to see lack of worthwhile content. There are only so many Redlettermedias and Ross Scotts.

>tfw I never watched any of these faggots

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>>Pewdiepie went back to playing shitty games and Reddit videos
What pewdiepie contdnt was ever even good?

Id say meme review is his best shit

Guy has a dull, monotone voice and has jokes are just swear words strung together. Terrible eceleb.

This implies there are some you're still subbed to, which would make you a faggot

Hey people kr1tikal here today I wanted to talk about something that really tickled my butthole in all the worst ways literally just shoved a fat horse cock dildo up my eyeball and it justttt... I don't know, I don't usually respond to controversies but this time I'm gonna make an exception because my god did it slap my nutsack. Anyway that's it it guys see ya

Dunkey got a gf. Still able to produce funny content sometimes, but it really is quite different to watching his old stuff when he was a full on Yas Forums fag.
Cr1tikal was always an angsty teen and I can't honestly believe people find that scrawny faggot attractive.

I dont mind maxmoefoe or Cold Ones when their guests arent total faggots.

I can't forgive him for lying about the CoH private server

I want mutt milk

I don’t wanna be mr views

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>Is it the end of an era?
Ross Scott is still doing fine.

The initial belief was stupid anyway. Anyone who says that is just shooting themselves in the foot later.

He used to upload decent videos with dry, monotone humor while playing games. What sold a lot of people on his content was that he always donated every cent he made to somewhat reputable charities, while firmly standing by his belief that making money off his channel would sour the experience and make his content stale.

A few years ago he stopped donating the cash out of desperation since he couldn't find a job with his Bachelor's Degree in Human Sciences. People insisted he should play video games for a living since he was more than popular enough to do it. Eventually he started streaming, doing a podcast, and exclusively uploading highlights of his streams to his YouTube channel -- with most of it being him watching trailer trash shows or commenting on eceleb drama. He also started making music, which is fucking awful.

He went from being a pretty alright guy to a lazy dipshit that spouts the same three jokes ad nauseam.

but it's true

No. It's something only dumb teenagers who don't know how the world works think.

Max has played with Pokemon his entire life and is still pretty funny. Watch his I AM POKEMON video that shit's hilarious

He didn't have to say it at all. But I do find it interesting just how he changed from that to someone who's ready to ditch the content that built him, that his fans stayed for to begin with, for some generic podcasting, uninformed, downright incompetent review videos, and drama whoring for clout. He's long past the point of wanting that old audience, now that he's got zoomers who eat that shit up.

Good for him. It's his money. Keep it for yourself instead of giving it to St Jewde or some other scam. I may have unsubscribed a long time ago but I see no reason to hold ill will against him.

Vtuber era now

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Man I gotta find something else to do with my time. I keep trying to find entertaining people on youtube, but that time has long since passed.

He looked far better with short hair.

lol he should get rid of the pubic hair beard. Some people just can't do it.

And without his pubesbeard

He would look better if he just shaved and had long hair, beards are ugly on people who's faces look like his

max has always been at his best doing pokemon shit. He actually cares about it, it's like watching a cs go player who's really into the skin market. He knows his shit and that's what's cool about it.
Never watched any of those other ones though. Never cared for filthyfrank or idubbbz.

The end of your faggot eceleb worshipping era? We can only hope.

jontron and dunkey are the only ones i still watch.

dunkey is starting to become a parody of himself tho and jontron isn't even "gaming" related anymore

He looks like the daughter from The Americans

He said that before having to get a job. After he had to choose working 70 hours/week for mr shekelstein for a pittance or doing some comfy memevideos, he changed his ideals. Not saying it is good or bad, up to anyone to judge that, just mere description of facts.