How will Animal Crossing recover?

How will Animal Crossing recover?

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By selling 20 million copies

Nintendies are still fuming over it

The irony in this is unbelievable. Shitdew Valley is inferior to the rune Rune Factory series in every way.

When will snoys stop spamming this autism?

its funny to see you console war retards fall for clickbait when it helps you and your confirmation bias

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Am I supposed to know who this is?

oh no some faggot on twitter said my game is for babies!!!!
now I’ll never play it again

>Don't play this stupid game for babies
>Play this other stupid game for babies

Rune Factory is too hard for the normalfags that flock to Star Jew. It is indeed better in every way, though.

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some shit game journo

he admittedly made the animal crossing article to hatebait because hes needed money

>Play western shit!

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I guess Stardew Valley appeals to people who want experience of just managing their farm and time without having lots of shit that Harvest Moon was actually beloved for, like memorable characters and events. The game is good, but it's not the best fucking thing ever like some dumbasses are making it out to be.

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Furry trafficking simulator > Blacked old hag simulator

>journo nigger posts his opinion
>its trigger bait
omg who wouldve guessed, the fact that retards still fall for this clickbait is hilarious

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How is Jude Factory better?

It won't. It's over.

typical nintendofags

always losing their shit before even seeing what the article says

fucking manbabies i swear
i bet none of you have ever read the article yet

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Well no shit, it's played by females, so of course it's for children.

Has fun characters, story and gameplay beyond just managing your farm. Yes, Stardew Valley also has dungeon, but it's pretty fucking rubbish.

Anyone got good turnip prices?

no i only have some daisy lewds rn sorry

It has every single thing Stardew does except a million times deeper and better executed. The farming is depeer, the crafting is deeper, and holy shit the combat. The combat in Shitdew is just a tacked on side thing with zero depth while RF is a full fledged ARPG and everything that's non-combat helps you in some way in combat.
Not even gonna get into the awful tumblr tier characters in Stardew because that's just an opinion thing, but god damn are they so ugly and shallow compared to the RF characters who have like a million lines of dialogue each.

What fun gameplay specifically? How are dungeons better?
Also, last time someone posted a screenshot, it looked all zoomed in way too hard to see anything, literally a 10 tile radius at best. Is it just one version or a common problem?

aw man, thats the LAST thing i would have wanted
geez it would really ruin my day if you were to post those

Rune Factory is a handheld series and always has been, from the DS to the 3DS. RF4 Special ported it to the Switch with slightly improved textured/resolution but it's still a 3DS game at it's core.
RF5 is being made for the Switch so it's gonna look different.


Animal crossing is for toddlers but so is stardew valley. Who the fuck is he trying to fool?

>don't play popular game instead play shittier unrelated indie game
Normally I am all for calling out Nintendies on their shit games but this is fucking laughably stupid.




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I'm not dignifying this faggot with a click

>play stardew valley instead

animal crossing is for trannies and babies

He's literally selling clickbait articles

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>How will Animal Crossing recover?

>What fun gameplay specifically? How are dungeons better?
It actually plays like a proper action game, with bunch of different weapons and spells to use. The dungeons are lenghty with passageways and optional rooms(things you'd expect of a JRPG) and proper bosses at the end.
>Also, last time someone posted a screenshot, it looked all zoomed in way too hard to see anything, literally a 10 tile radius at best. Is it just one version or a common problem?
That's a common problem. It's originally handheld series, with RF4 being for 3DS, so big character models made sense for things to be visible. But admittedly it does make things feel really zoomed in on Switch. They could have definitely zoomed the camera out for the new remaster.

The closest thing we got to an "adult" sim micromanagement game like that is Dwarf Fortress which I guarantee this guy is too much of a smooth brain to play.

stop user
the series is dead
youll just make them spawn some mtx-ridden waifu sim phone game

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Any of these got funny animal friendos?

absolutely BASED

HM is dead and so was RF for a while, but the cult following for RF is so strong that it literally brought it back from the dead. The original team all got hired to their old publisher to make RF5.
As to why Neverland went bankrupt in the first place, apparently they had a lot of old debts they were just ignoring. And the 3DS remake of Lufia was a huge bomb they spent a lot of money on.

>gets made about Animal Crossing
>tells people to play Rune Factory Except It's Bad

>weeb factory

Isn't stardew valley made by like 1 guy?

Of course

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If you seriously prefer a tumblr artstyle to an anime one you must have brain damage.
Also, limiting yourself to only western games is the most underage mindset I can imagine. I still play western games even if they're ugly. In fact Pathfinder Kingmaker was probably my favorite game of 2018.

Jews are scared that Japanese people will control the vidya industry instead of the chosen people. The Jew fears the Samurai.

Why does Japan so deadset on making everyone wanna fuck loli dragons? They're everywhere and almost always best girl.

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Yeah, but it's still inferior. It's very impressive what the one guy managed to do, and he still made a good game, but Rune Factory is better.

>unironically defending a commie soiboi because he said mean things about a popular Nintendo game
Talk about Yikes!

the world may never know

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