Why was this kino so underappreciated...

Why was this kino so underappreciated? It's aged far better than other dogshit like [better games released in the same year that overshadowed it] or it's [superior sequels or original]. Were people in [release year] retarded?

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OP you are a faggot, this game was fucking amazing even with nostalgia glasses off

This game is shit

it's better on xbox

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What's wrong with it?

not exacly 10yo but its almost there

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Supreme Commander is literally the best RTS game ever made, bar none. The only thing holding it back is CPU bottlenecks and that could have been fixed if the company wasn't liquidated due to competition with lowest common denominator products like Starcraft 2.

Is this a Doom 3 thread?

Screw you OP, I feel personally attacked, even if you're probably right.

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Legacy of Kain

Haha look at me mommy im so edgy and meta

it is psychologically impossible for me to feel nostalgic about mediocrity

>Were people in [release year] retarded?
people act retarded in any given year

>this gmae

This game has been in my mind recently for god knows what reason. It’s fucking horrible, maybe the worst fps I ever played

t. Recency biased cuck

your absolutely right and you can get fucked for saying it

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I actually liked the soundtrack.


Shit taste

Some games hold up, some don't. I replayed FF9, am going through pic related, and probably Brave Fencer Musashi next. They all hold up.

Tried Legend of Dragoon, not so much. The story is a lot worse than I remember, it's really cartoony plot-wise, and the battle animations take FOREVER.

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You're better off experiencing IX from a let's play. Nothing about IX's gameplay has aged well at all.

>You're better off experiencing IX from a let's play
I think anyone who does this is better off experiencing life by jumping off of a bridge

t. zoomer who always feels left out and butthurt

>better games released in the same year that overshadowed it
>superior original
struck a nerve, huh?

Games released 10-15 years ago are 100% zoomer nostalgiacore, are you kidding?

I'll stop playing S.T.A.L.K.E.R mods when another game comes even half way to matching the comfy murder hobo nature of that game.

I still love exploring areas I have literally explored for 10 years because they're so great to see changed up and reused, what a fucking pisser that a sequel wasn't made.

I even think SupCom 2 is good


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I wanted to tell you that you are full of shit, but then realize that Halo was released 19 years ago.

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Because the people who made Bloodrayne put fun first. Well actually they put style first but point is they had relatively decent priorities


More like masterpiece.