BRB Smoke break

>BRB Smoke break
>Last online 7 years ago

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I imagine they hold these regularly for aids victims.

>it's just a flu, bro

Apparently smokers are resilient to the rona, so I'll be laughing all my way to the early grave I'm going to get from the lung cancer.

>those fags with blue umbrellas

You just HAVE to be a special snowflake at a fucking funeral.


Imagine the suicides. They must get those daily.

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There it is

>this could never happen today

Proof that online gaming has lost all soul

>It's just a SARS variation, bro

Virtual funerals are the strangest way to honor someone. I wonder if we'll ever reach the point where we get VR funerals.

why do they have the umbrellas out it's not raining

>kill all lung cells so the virus cant replicate
Scorched earth tactic.

shade from the sun, bro

It's a video game, user... not real.

Not like there is anything to do in the game right now other than to visit some random faggot's funeral.

>no scatman
what the fuck?

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We're sort of there

My gf plays this trash mmo alot. I really dont know what she likes about mmo's theyre all grindy garbage.

She's probably attracted to the bright colours, outfits to collect, and the game constantly patting her on the back (like a casual mobile game)

nigga, just respawn lol

virtual chatroom with outfits

I bet you play FIFA and don't see a problem with it.

I hope you know you're getting virtually cucked.

ff14 fags will never understand


not hydroella

Never even played WoW, but even before clicking the link, I knew what it was.

Attached: nice.jpg (540x540, 61.75K)


No they are not, in fact they are more at risk you mong. Some boomer artist trying to justify his addiction is not scientific evidence.

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>believing literal Chinese rumors
LMAO look at this simp