Play Bannerlord

Play Bannerlord

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At least use a different picture every thread


I have been, in fact. I bet I have the highest hours on Yas Forums(save for the people who got invited to alpha test)

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>name Anonymous
>not Mr. Bannerlord

Is this an accurate representation of a forest b*ndit?

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East-Asia Captain's mode servers are down. that was my favourite way to play. oceania servers do a lot of sieges which are fun but not as replayable.

nice. I've slowed down a lot this past week and will probably slow down more until they flesh out kingdom mechanics

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Maybe starting a new save will fix the crashes. This one's from 1.0.8

Wow, looks like a game from 2010.

Not yet.

not until the game is fixed, every patch they fuck something up, soldier training is still way too slow, the campaign moves way too fucking fast (what the fuck is the point of the clan system aside from gating drops if the game is over in 3 years?) and fief management is still really barebones

also food still needs a fucking fix, castles in WB were a place to store good units now they're a place where your guys starve

Promise myself i wont conquer Calradia all for myself this time around choose vassalage, the A.I is too retarded and loses capital within 3 months.
Maybe i should just raid villages for butter.

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Getting better at chamber blocking but I'm at a point where I can't exactly tell if the wailing from the trainer is what's throwing off the timing (hitstun) or if it's a tad bit more involved than in Warband. The timing window is definitely more forgiving, but I think positioning has a lot more to do with it now.

What skills should I prioritize at the start? My previous run I went full archer mount khuzaitfag and got bored of it.

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Yeah, there's tons of issues with Bannerlord.

But you know what really needs to be done? Caravan balance.

I've noticed selling shit to caravans is better because they don't change their price load with inventory. So they'll buy hundreds of stacks for the same price, and they seem to run off the local city's prices so you can just wait outside the gates and sell. Then talk to them again and have their gold refill to buy more. This probably isn't what you mean though.

Whats your end goal?
Military conquest > stewardship and engineering
Wannabe capitalist chinaman that buys off entire kingdoms ? > Trade
Slavic butter raider ? > Athletics and twohanded.

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I'm going empire so military conquest. Doesn't it buttfuck me if I dump everything into steward/engi/int and leave no combat skills?

Played it for a good 50 hours and at this point i feel exhausted and i'll wait half a year, its looking great so far, but really needs more substance in interaction variety, more so than warband had. Visually it looks great though, the locations look especially amazing.

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Whatever that unlogged patch was yesterday really fucked everything up. Game crashes twice as often now and with no proper chance to send in an error report.
Faggots can't even make it so you can bug report on their shit code.
Fuck Taleworlds roaches.

He's practicing the forbidden dark arts.

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I am
I really hope they improve the performance dramatically, I don't want to buy a 3080 Ti just to play this game at 1440p/60hz without stuttering

No wonder the most powerful race to ever exist in Caldria got wiped out. They all got too powerful and turned into black holes.

What's the rules/limitations for taking fiefs? Am i not allowed to have more fiefs than my ruler? Is my clan lvl too low? Am i not allowed to have more fiefs because there's plenty of other vassals that has fewer fiefs than I?

The amount of fiefs other clans have and the location of the fiefs compared to your currently owned fiefs matter.

The Battanians are a cursed people.

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>Latest patch ruined every single source of passive income because some autistic roach who can barely speak English decided that he needs to balance this shit like it's an e-sport

Nah I'm good for now.

Yeah, I don't know why they're bothering with economy shit when all the other shit they haven't implemented will change it again.

>Wonder why things aren't being implemented
>Complain that an Early Access game is unbalanced
I swear they either have no communication between who works on what, or they have no gameplan. Balancing before you have a framework in place is just going to make it take longer in the future.

This is really odd behaviour for them. Talesworld has absolutely no record of doing wasteful work at all, especially not during the development of bannerlord. Watch as for every feature update they create a new feature, implement it, scrap it, and reimplement it.

How many months or years until it's a polished experience free of bugs? Not interested in paying to beta test.

I mean, shit, you can really see why they took 8 years, two iterations of engines, and flailed around like retards when it finally came time for the MP beta and SP alpha.
If Early Access wasn't a thing, Bannerlord would have died in development. Maybe it should have.

a year minimum

2 years minimum

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>free of bugs
Never. Leave. If you wanted it to be feature complete and stable then a year or two and you will have what you want. It will never be free of bugs unless you remove them yourself.

nah im good with warband for now

lost my old copy but got one for free. prophecy of pendor is fun.

Just proves that /mbg/ and every /vg/ thread is Yas Forumseddit.

>alas, you're a dumb nigger
Always makes me chuckle.