Friend in a game

>Friend in a game
>Find out he's a minority

This is the worst feel.

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This happened to me recently. Found out hes half black. I blocked him for failing to mention this when we first started being friends.

You know if you have at least one minority friend you're allowed to use the N-word.

This site has fucked up so many of you in the head

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Whites are the minority world wide, You saying you found out he wasn't chinese?

im more likely to be friends with any minority than a single fucking Brazilian or Venezuelan fuck those stupid cunts

Don't hate on blacks man, many are pretty bro tier. Females are the actual cancer.

wtf bro.. I thought everyone on Yas Forums were friends...

Yes I run into whites too all the time in games

why didn't you take his cock?

we dont include animals in the measure of majority

>friend in a game
>find out he's a minority
>suddenly want to suck his dick
I can't be the only one right???

I could not be happier that the average Yas Forumsfag is going to die of covid.

>find one hes a minority
so you mean hes white? because globally whites are a minority. Stop using that word to describe non-whites, because its not true.

Imagine being indoctrinated.

But that’s you.

You're not cute, you're an ugly hairy overweight troglodyte and despite larping as gay no boy would actually ever want you.

>MIGAtards literally mass protesting against the lockdown and spreading the disease amongst themselves

drumpf killing his own voterbase lmao

How am i indoctrinated?

I'd rather be indoctrinated than outdocrinated like you are!

whites will be a minority soon

stfu the gap moe is the best faggot

You think there's nothing wrong with being a minority.

>20 replies in a sub human hate thread
Did we finally get based jannies?

I hate niggers but ironically in real life usually the people I get along with the best are niggers
they're more laid back and funny and don't throw a hissy fit if you call something gay like most of the white people I've known, and any whites who don't give a fuck usually are too far on the other end of the spectrum and just go on about hating niggers like a hick

That is not a doctrine. Indifference is not a doctrine.

>at first liberals were the ones saying "Fake! Hug a chink, or you're racist!"
>Yas Forums was warning about this thing
>now, because Trump said so, it's a liberal hoax and the libs are the ones pushing this as serious
What in the fuck is even going on in this country anymore? Fuck 'em, let the retarded fucks kill themselves and just hope they don't take out too many innocents along the way

Congrats, you're a black person wearing white trash skin.

>le epik racism we sure showed reddit this time bros! epic pewdiepie! white nationalism ftw!

*smashes your head with a rock* how about that, nazi?

>they're more laid back
They also can't be trusted with, well, anything

You're a teenager right?

He's an ugly hairy fatso no boy would want him

>pretty much every online friend ends up being non-white
>10 years later they all disappear
>all i have left is my white irl friends
black weeb friends are actually based btw. i miss the banter over lame jrpgs and whether or not ranka or sheryl was better

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The thread is hating on Americans? Nice

You can always just say diversity, which means niggerfaggots

bruh he didn’t say he was white chill lmao

In my experience racism threads hit bump limit and get archived


Based. Blacks are redpilled AF on the FQ.

This country went full retard back in 2016.

The coronavirus is real but you don't have to keep the economy shutdown this long everywhere.
Lots of people are at their limit. Not everyone can afford to be out of work this long. At some point a flu becomes the least of your worries.