What are some of the most disturbing video game death scenes you remember?

What are some of the most disturbing video game death scenes you remember?

Attached: domfindsmaria.jpg (350x208, 17.71K)

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Danganronpa executions, most of them

I still remember Tai's death from the Gear 2 as well. That series had some surprisingly heavy shit in it for an over the top sci-fi shooter.

>f*male dying

Gears 2 was peak Gears.

The only reason he'd do that is if they raped him somehow, or just stuck things up his ass and down his throat for laughs.

>When he sees her walk out of the cage thing and she looks like she did pre-war
>Marcus saying "Dom..."
Hit harder than it should've for a Beefcake McChainsaw game.

Nah, first one was way better. Especially the multiplayer. Mansion, Rooftops, Mausoleum, that nighttime hangar place, Gridlock are all kino.

Videogames not weeb crap or visual novels faggot


Agreed. The campaign was excellent. Somehow it got a lot of real excitement and desperation out of a generic story and ridiculous aesthetics. Really interesting lore too

>Carmine in Gears 1
>Tali and Maria in Gears 2
>Dom in Gears 3

Gears 4 and 5 really tried to lean into the melodrama and floundered hilariously and I think the reason why is because the original main cast was likeably one dimensional so we give a modicum of a shit about them, the moments being well built up and executed, and that the games straddled the fine line of being serious enough where those moments worked but not too serious that they crawled up their own asses.

Attached: Helck.gif (436x376, 2.22M)

Such an assured and thoughtful character, not to mention ridiculously strong, reduced to a wordless and immediate suicide. It was haunting.

Gears 1 for multiplayer
Gears 2 for story
Gears 3 for best Carmine

The definitive take

Emily's death in Deadly Premonition. Not only a gruesome death but the implied rape beforehand

the part in black cats the sailors are crying for help and swimming towards your catalina, but you can't save them all and have to leave some behind


Attached: SINK THOSE FUCKING PT BOATS.png (1475x761, 1.65M)

I agree.

You're right. I think that one dimensionality is precisely what made the sad moments so affecting. Because the characters are so ridiculously tough and unfeeling it's extra shocking when someone shoots themselves in the head or has to euthanise their lobotomised wife. It blindsides you.

"Older" CoDs had really nice level introductions. Always liked 4 and W@Ws intros (and it's a fucking shame CoDWW2 wasn't literally a reskinned W@W)

The World at War campaign was quite heavy. Lots of graphic deaths. It was the first World War 2 game that seemed to present the war as more gruesome and disturbing.


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>Dive into foxhole in RO2 as machine gun fire sprays overhead
>guy gets shot next to me
>he spends the next minute and a half begging for his mother as he slowly dies

You don't expect that from a multiplayer FPS.

>last CoD we got to dismember chink bugmen
i miss it bros...

The gameplay of the multiplayer of Gears 1 is worlds better, but Gears 2 has the best maps in the entire series. There were 19 DLC maps and they were all fantastic. All of the best Gears 1 maps brought back and several actually new maps that tried new things. I miss matches on those maps so much. Man... Gears 4 and 5 DLC are a fucking insult by comparison.

He was tortured heavily by the Locust

that's... very specific user

>implying the cog don't stick stuff up each other's asses every night


Lee from Walking Dead is an obvious one but still very upsetting and impactful. That game has a few doozies in general.

Ditto for Noble Team in Halo Reach. You felt the desperation and sadness of the whole thing really well

Carly getting shot was a bi one. In a game built around decisions and you having legitimate agency as a character, to have someone die that you have no control over was shocking. I liked her as well, still a bit sad.

Gears 1 for campaign
Gears 2 for horde
Gears 3 for multiplayer

This is the real correct way to enjoy each game.

I always liked how this was a companion to the AC130 mission from CoD4.
