Waiting it all out

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Pass is vee
Get fucked Muneshige
Spear character when

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Flashkick is an extremely baitable move that leaves them wide open upon being whiffed. You could easily just get a full combo off of it. And if she's just using lasers or zoning you can just play the long game with blocking and jumping over or use your own projectiles. B drill isn't really an issue either if you've practiced being able to recognize it. You just have to move the control stick 15 degrees or 90 on a d pad. And there's no chip kill either so even then the only real obstacle is time. It requires high timings and decision making but when you can recognizes patter based on the routes taken they usually will fall into using b drill as a standard mix up really making it more 90/10 (rounded) in favor of seeing a b drill come out as it will catch a person off of a repeated risk
Let's take that if it truly is a 50/50 and catches the person and it takes an average of 3 combos to defeat a player and win a round. By using a repeated use of 1 - (0.5)^10 we see a 87.5% chance the combo will happen again on a hit. By nature of the move as well it will usually happen right before they hit the ground so there for by holding standing block you are 87.5% likely to block the b drill mix up and then go straight into crouch block. As an example, Let’s say an opponent has begun a jumping combo(G) if they either have meter (E) or have low health(F).
We are going to assume that having meter(E) and having low (F) are independent: knowing if the person has low health does not tell us if they have gotten that meter solely from being hit or attacking the opponent. Now, an opponent begins the combo and is now going into the jumping combj
(G). Your belief that you have meter, and low health against this jumping into b drill P(E|G), is high and your belief that
the opponent will go into the b drill mix up given that they have a chance to mix up and win, P(F|G), is high.

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I was waiting for one of these threads. I'm completely new to this game and been doing nothing but play arcade mode. I'm ready to get my ass kicked.
Is there anyone else who also just got into the game recently or am I surrounded by merciless veterans?

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We still got varying skill levels
Think there's more new players on PC

I see I see. Are the rooms between PC and consoles shared? I'm trying to find this one on PC but not finding anything.

>countered the wag FF with the IWEXS

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They're not. PC lobbies have their own servers and are normally indicated to be PC lobbies. Otherwise it's assumed to be PS4 lobbies

in my next bimonthly appearance ill make a pc lobby

The default lobbies are normally PS4, once in awhile someone throws up a pc lobby.

PS4 lobbies are the default
PC for whatever reason takes long to start up

Ah fuck. Should I make a PC lobby then? I don't know if any PC players are lurking but if there's no rooms then I guess I should.

Go ahead, I can't guarantee anything from the PC crowd but they do exist even if they disperse like roaches when you turn on the lights

There's a lot of double dippers in these threads but nobody ever wants to be the host so they never get regularly made

Go for it. Usually when someone puts up a lobby all the lurkers come out of the wood work.

i would be more pc again and resume the duty of host, but the port is way to fucking garbage even for me

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Let me know if you can't find anyone in 15 or so minutes. I'll be finishing grinding my mobage event by then hopefully.

ggs ps4 bros its time for bed see you all at some point

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Well fuck it, here goes.
Room name: veee
Keyword: rage
I don't know about the specifics so I left all the default settings, hope it's alright.
Let's have some fun.
I haven't even done the tutorial.
Is it really that bad? I've got good connection but I don't know if it'll help as the room host.

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Typically it's all default except for changing the win count before winner stays switched out to 3. I forget what it's called

The room specifics that we use is winner stays but only for 3 consecutive wins before they head to the back of the queue
And yeah the PC port has a couple problems. It's good when it's good, and it's absolute fucking hell when it's bad

I'm not finding any rooms, you don't have network/speed restrictions or anything set right?

You seem to have forgotten all your wagner tricks that I tried to beat into you

Could be his download region. Sometimes having steam's region be set somewhere can hide lobbies made by that person depending on where the one connecting to the lobby is from

Alright, I'll change that then.
None at all.
This could be this though. Fuck, how can I change it to something neutral so that everyone can join?

I may have to go afk somewhat later, but let me try hosting one. Generally people in these threads set consecutive wins to 3 in the options to allow for a little rotation should the lobby get big enough

keyword is pclobby

What region do you hail from anyways?

>7 frames
Doesn't seem like an NA connection but I guess we've had worse

Heck I still get nervous doing 360s on P2 side

By the way Storyteller, hold down A, B, or C when you're getting hit to automatically tech at the earliest opportunity

Don't remember Haun playing Vatista before. Neat.

I played vat for a little while, but didn't really have the confidence to pull her out 'til recent.

Saw a new route for Mika (at least was new to me) that others might be curious to try:

623A/B x 2 > j.623C > 2B to catch the landing and then whatever from there.