The remake has given me a much better appreciation of the original. the pacing is so much better...

The remake has given me a much better appreciation of the original. the pacing is so much better. The combat is so much better. The remake is constantly wasting your time and a mess of direction. If you haven't played the original but have played the remake, play the original. It's far more entertaining. A turn based RPG has faster pacing than an action RPG.

Attached: ff7case.jpg (1000x889, 124.09K)

>pacing is much better
I mean, pacing in midgar is better. After that it's kinda funky

I played the Remake first, then got the original. On the 3rd disc and I'm bored outta my mind. This game sucks.

>After that it's kinda funky
Even past that it's tight and cohesive as fuck. The game never stops unless you do.

>The combat is so much better.

>The combat is so much better
literally just "spam x till bad guys ded"

>stunlock boss
>it enters a new phase ignoring stun
>cast spell
>get hit
>don't cast spell
>lose mp anyway lol
yeah thinking this remake needed more time in the oven boys.

This. You actually need to use your brain now in combat instead of just spamming heal items (well, you still can, but it makes fights last forever) and cool moves.

playing 20 year old games usually doesn't impress, even if they were good at the time. Yas Forums will say otherwise of course... totally not nostaslgia

>Both combact are ok at best
Aside from the weapons fight and some bosses, I'd agree on the fact that most fight can be won by spamming attacks

But this is a thing with all FF rpg

it doesn't really matter what the faults of the Remake are, it's light years ahead of the original's combat. Other than Lost Number and Materia Keeper none of the bosses require even a single brain cell.

>, it's light years ahead of the original's combat
Except it's not. Taking longer to do less isn't ahead of anything.
>Other than Lost Number and Materia Keeper none of the bosses require even a single brain cell.
found the grinder.

Maybe try not casting spells in front of the enemy's face, mouthbreather. Again, you can't just spam actions blindly like in turn based.

appreciation for one of the shittiest combat systems to grace RPGs?

Yeah, we need to go back to FF7's style. Fast based turn based/atb is much better than this janky action shit.

>combat so much better
do urself a favor, go back to beat the game without pause manual called, no item use for every boss.turn-based is lowest low pleb

But the difference is you can't spam the SAME attack on the SAME character and expect it to work, because of things like positioning, ATB cost etc.

you don't need to grind in FF7 except for multiple master materia, it's braindead easy

You grinded to beat the bosses. Don't talk to me unless you beat the game with no grinding.

ATB will always be garbage.

I didn't. I've never grinded in any post FF6 game except FFX.

Only 'janky' if you don't bother mastering it. You'd be amazed at how quickly fights can go the moment you start coordinating your team.

git gud.

lol FF ATB is one of the shittiest braindead systems ever created. the fact that retards actually consider it a good combat system means you've never played a half decent turn based game.

u dummy it's not spamming attack it's spamming potion.

ATB isn't turn based. Set the speed higher.

ATB only got good with Remake, it was shit before.

ff7 wasn't fast. ffx-2 was fast.

except people still play new 2D, "retro" games
they're very popular
as are low poly games
it's pretty easy to like old games, user

I was actually talking about og FF7. In the case of the remake, you have to think about the stuff you said. In the pg there are some strategies to slog through battles faster.

>Better combat

It's incredibly boring and you spend most of the game just using the Attack option. You don't have to think most of the time if at all, just spam your biggest damage spells against bosses.

im watching my friend play and he just cant handle switching characters, drives me crazy tifa and barrett alwyas at 2 atb

it really is just flashing lights and lots of boom bang

that's why SE was right, that ending is the one our timeline deserves. our destiny.

>It's incredibly boring and you spend most of the game just using the Attack option
fyi you can only do this if you're a grinder, in which case you didn't play the game you took the cowards way.

And in the pg it was spamming cure/all cure. Your point? Unless a boss could 1 HKO, or 2 HKO or some other gimmick shit because sometimes ATB made the enemy do whatever the fuck it wanted

chrono trigger nigga

the combat is fundamentally bad, FF7 is literally one of those games you play for the story and for some light autism where you can setup materia to absolutely break the game near the end

and that's okay, it's just that Remake actually made the combat decent. I'd take a break from FF7 for a bit (you're near the end though) since Remake is too fresh in your head and come back to it later.

>the combat is fundamentally ba

like most rpgs of the era, it was a power fantasy about making your guys OP enough to take out everything

the game is just press attack to win, and sometimes 4x cut. You're not even incentivized to use spells later on because 4x cut will just outdamage them. There's no strategy required at all except for maybe 2 bosses.

the combat wasn't fundamentally bad, it was amazing, fast-paced, satisfying and the materia system is brilliant
but the game is so fucking easy it doesn't matter
that's why it's bad, not because the systems are bad

you don't have 2/4x cut for the majority of game, the fuck are you on about

And that's why mod such as new threat exist. Then again some bosses are turned to hp sponges, so...

>the game is just press attack to win
only if you grind.
>and sometimes 4x cut
endgame materia.
>You're not even incentivized to use spells
wrong. 2xcut isn't something you get til way later on where enemies average HP is beyond 9999 anyway.
>There's no strategy required at all
OK grinder. Probably emulated the game. Post your E. Skills.

>waste limit because my team did damage to push boss to next phase
Dang I should've been smarter to know that this boss fight I never did before was about to not take damage but still spend limit.

what the fuck do you think "later on" means?

I think the core combat of the remake is better but it hardly matters when everything is stretched out to be ten times as long as it should be.

Same. It also shows me how little SE has managed to improve or stay relevant as a game designer in ten years. They're woefully behind the times compared to their peers. In many ways they've regressed since FF13's development.