Animal Crossing New Hybrids

What is the most powerful flower configuration and why is it pic related?

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>not putting them everywhere

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IDK how well that works but it does look better than these autist min-max configs I've seen.

Anybody confirm this works?
How many flower types it good for?

Coco in a kimono

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The OP from the last thread is still open.
There's a meteor shower and you're all invited. There's plenty of room and I'll reply to this post when I've decided to close the gates.
(no Celeste, sorry)

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is that a gyroid

>breeding the worst flowers

Dang, I have the green version of that one

Someone with a town that's got open shops please let me in to sell my cherries at a premium

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>bridge over a pond
for what purpose

>if you want your ugly villagers to move out you have to be mean to them
I prefer humiliation.

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I like it.
The game thinks it's a river though.



Well fuck.
I need to make 9 trips to others island now.

What "last thread" user? This is an Animal Crossing thread about hybrid flowers. Not an Animal Crossing thread for general discussion, and it certainly isn't a continuation of another Animal Crossing thread.

I thought being mean to them didn't do anything?

I wish you could do bridges going from high ground to high ground with low ground inbetween

fossile user here.
new list is looking like
i'm missing
plesiosaurus tail
left quetzalcoatllus
iquanodon tail
Trex torso
spinesaurus head
sabertooth tail
megacerops head
diplodocus tail

i have
ankylo tail x2
archelon skull x2
brachio chest
brachio pelvis x2
brachio skull x3
dimetriodon skull
diplo neck
diplo skull
diplo tail tip
eusthenopteron x2
iquanodon skull
left ptera wing
mammoth skull x2
megacero tail x2
megacero torso x2
ophthalmo skull x3
ophthaklmo torso
pachy skull x2
pachy tail x2
parasaur tail x3
quetzal torso x4 (thanks fucking game)
right ptera wing x 3
right quetzal wing
sabertooth skull x 3
trex tail x 2
tricera skull
tricera torso x3

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>that pond shape

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>not breeding all the flowers

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Wait I thought you could only get them to wear tops.
Gonna try that.

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>Hit bell island a while ago while it was 11 PM
>Hit it again just a while ago too

I have been trying to breed purple Tulips for eons. I also want purple Hyacinths and Mums. If anyone has at least two of any given type I could dig up I'd be greatly appreciative.

I used to love Coco but something about her in NH just doesn't sit right with me.
Like, instead of being kinda creepy, she feels like she's made out of cork and has painted on spots instead of holes.
I miss creepy Coco.

Anyone still got Celeste? Open up.

Why would you waste time breeding all colors at once when you only mostly want 1 color?

fuck man, that leak look insane
not sure how many % gonna be real

I heard to ignore them, not even piss them off or you still will talk to them.



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People say that you get 1 visitor per week at the campsite but It's been sitting there empty ever since I moved it like 2 weeks back. The animals seem to like it here tho. I can always find someone around.

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You're right. I am but a simple fool who has made yet another anonymous blunder.

It's decent if you want hybrids but don't want to use a guide. This will get you tier 1 hybrids quickly without too much experimentation. There's no way you'll get tier 2 hybrids like this, or without a guide for that matter.

>neither of my starter villagers have moved out yet
>keep trying to gift them furniture so their houses don't look so awful when I visit them
>they never fucking put out any of the furniture I give them

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Learn how to speak English before posting here, please.

Just found a spare pitfall seed recipe.I somehow don't have any pears on my island. Anyone want to trade?

So what do I search in Twitter again to get some of those sweet Japanese turnip rooms?

I got loads of pears, open up.

nah he based

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Damn that is a nice fence. Wish it would show up in MY FUCKING TERMINAL HOLY SHIT.

I only breed monsters.

is supposed to be the continuation but some dude posted this thread on the last open discussion, so now this is the continuation.
Blame that user.

do you still have land plot to put down?
if yes you have to put them down first

I got it once and accidentally sold the recipe.

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I got
Plesio tail
diplo tail
T Rex torso
Iguanodon tail
Plesio tail

I need
saber skull
megacero tail
ankylo tail

I really wish the campsite was more active. Would be fun to basically have a constantly rotating 11th villager

Nah. All 10 spots have been taken.

Hi I'm the guy with the wife from the other day. She realized you need a lot of stuff to get 5 stars so she's planting flowers everywhere with no rhyme or reason. She built a wall of tulips around the residence center, you have to trample some to get there. My quaint, subtle, tranquil bamboo area is now being filled with bamboo speakers, those ugly bamboo dolls that are the size of sewer pipes; anything bamboo she will stuff in there. I said, "thanks, now it's cluttered," and she giggled.
I told her I'm going to do cleanup after she falls asleep, and that she should stop rushing to the 5 star requirements and let the island grow organically as we unlock more furniture. I'll keep you all posted

Has anyone been able to invite villagers to your home and vice versa? Please don't tell me they removed this feature too I almost stopped playing when I found out Gyroids were gone.

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alrighty it's open code is 884MW

She also put the visitor center on sand. Why would you put a tent on sand?

Meteor shower happening tonight and Celeste is here too.
Gonna be open for an hour if anyone wants to stop by


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so EVERY picture people have made, including the ones that say they datamined to get that info, has incorrect information. every single picture posted has incorrect information somewhere. therefore it is pointless to breed flowers until there is an actually correct picture
I've been trying to get orange roses, purple roses, black cosmos, or ANY color Lily that isn't red/white/yellow for about a month now. Hard to believe the only hybrids I ever obtained were pink cosmos and orange cosmos

Looks too disorganized

Closed the gates.

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tulips > lilies > anemones > roses > mums > hyacinths > > > > > > pansies
that is all thank you for your time

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they're all correct pictures; the chances for a lot of them are really fucking low

Has anyone figured out the mechanics for when villagers give out recipes?

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i would say two a week would be good enough. also, how come isabelle only says something is happening on the island when a vilager is in the campsite? nothing about cj, flick, saharah, wisp, label... but she did say something about the fish tournament and bunny day at least

What do you guys think about some of the most recent data dumps? Do you think Nintendo's really gonna keep updating the game with entirely new features, instead of just periodic holidays? If even half the stuff from the data dumps are true I'm gonna be really happy!

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That google docs guide is solid. I can post you proof of my results if you'd like.

>people being upset that the starting villagers houses look generic on the inside
>not giving them as much mismatching furniture and stupid shit as possible so their houses are hilarious clusterfucks

one of my villagers replaced their radio with a coffee grinder, their house is deathly quiet now

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