Why does PC gaming feel so soulless?

Why does PC gaming feel so soulless?

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because it's all cheap shovelware and console ports

>explain my opinion to me
Nothing will have soul if you're incapable of introspection.

Because you can't afford it.

>running .exe files on a workstation that wasn't designed to play video game
>sitting in an uncomfortable desk chair
>watching a small, low res monitor screen
>keyboard and mouse instead of a contoller which games are designed for
>no exclusives other than niche genres (RTS)
>community is the worst out of all major systems
>overrun by numales and zoomers because it became a reddit meme
>devs have abandoned it and now only shit out console ports so you can play the latest ubisoft games at high framerate

because that shit is too minimalist
make it comfy

PCs are for work

because you only have nostalgia for console games, and think that gives them soul

Because of esports. That's all people play on PC. Shit like Fortnite, CS:GO and LoL. Whenever people actually want to play a single-player game, they go to console.

No brand loyalty for you to act like an ass about?

because of cheaters

>Whenever people actually want to play a single-player game, they go to console.
why would i ever want to play anything at 30fps 1080p, which is also unmoddable?

i've seen a more retarded post in all my days

Because video games were always meant to be played on a console. Unless its an RTS/strategy game or MMO, it wasn't intended to be played on a fucking windows machine

Because the game's good on its own and doesn't need mods. Such is the case for games that aren't made with duct tape like Bethesda shit.

idk but Yas Forums is a PC/Nintendo centric board so you're going to get a lot of salty answers. for me I have a gf and like spreading out on the couch and playing my ps4 on the big screen, can't stand sitting at a fuarkin desk to play games

Lol no.

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It's mostly a 60 fps console port machine in terms of new games.

It doesn't have to be.

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people are waiting for the next gen consoles which are coming out this year, they aren't going to preorder an inferior version of the game now.

>tranny lights
Ugh....I'm 31 and this was cool when I was like fucking 16 or something. Now it's just completely cringey. Investing in a PC is useless for me because I dont care about muh graphix, pirating games like nignog, and I already work an office job so playing on a pc now is unappealing. PC gaming is a zoomer domain.

Why would they wait for next gen consoles when CDPR confirmed you can upgrade for free? Man the cope is strong.

Rent free

Nintendo: Childish, dumb weebcrap.
PlayStation: On-rails cinematic dad """games""" with shitty gameplay.
Xbox: ?

Consoletards are pathetic.

Fold your IDE cables.

Kek you're some balding ass welfare user inside your mom's basement, nothing more.

only pc tards are dumb enough to preorder


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How the hell do you nerds sit in a desk chair all day to play games, I can't even imagine. Maybe its because I work IT but coming home to sit at another desk to play games seems like the least comfy thing in the world.

>inb4 you can plug your pc into a TV in the living room

I'm not troubleshooting that shit, big picture mode sucks ass and you're full of shit.

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>I'm not troubleshooting that shit

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Get a job and stop leeching off your mom you fucking parasite.

Then give your case a bath at least. There's enough filthy cases in the world.

>No numpad

Is there a bigger red flag for an absolute brainlet?

I am going to give you a pity (you) for the effort, but next time do something that at least qualifies as bait.

That is clean compared to how it looked when I first opened it. It was full of dead bugs and dirt.

>Maybe its because I work IT but coming home to sit at another desk to play games seems like the least comfy thing in the world.
For me it's the opposite. The idea of sitting down on a couch is fine if you're watching a movie or something and don't have to concentrate on anything, but I don't like the idea of playing games on a couch as much having a desk and monitor. CRTs are okay actually, so I think it's more the giant HDTVs everyone has now that fuck with me.

Now it's just full of dirt. Get a hose and go to town.

Sometimes I forget just how retarded and shitty opinions I read on Yas Forums are, until I come across a post like this

Let me guess,
you do "helpdesk"?, I'm a Sys Admin, and I can't imagine not playing PC games.

Imagine being so dull at merely 31. You guys age dog years or what?

>work in IT
>can’t troubleshoot plugging a PC into a TV
So do you get paid to be slightly better at googling than boomers or what?

why put the pc on da table

Just to be fair, not disagreeing with anyone here but the human eyes can't spot the lag in slower frame rates unless it's lower than 17fps, and the human eye can't consciously notice anything over 24fps. This is based off of film not video games but the same rules apply. I said consciously because when the lasted lord of the rings prequel came out "the second hobbit movie" they shot at 64fps and the norm is 24, because the frames were snapped so quickly there wasn't any blur and the people reported getting headaches and said it hurt their eyes to watch to long. They ended up blurring to stop headaches and it looked the same as if they were to have shot in 24fps. So in games even though the fps goes up and down depending on whats happening in the game as long as it doesn't go under 24fps no one would be able to tell the difference. The reason gamers don't get headaches when playing at 60fps games is because almost every game out today has motion blur in it.

>rgb mouse pad

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PC gaming used to be soulful and aesthetic. Now it's all faggot tranny rgb shit.

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Cardiologist here, can confirm.

because PC lacks bloodborne

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Should i get a 2070 super or shell out the extra 200 bones for a 2080 super

this would have been significantly better without the rgb on the mousepad and a single LED color throughout.

PC gaming is entirely what you make of it. You can use any controller or peripheral, hook it up to a TV or monitor. Sit or lay down.

>running .exe files on a workstation that wasn't designed to play video game
Then don't use the workstation to do what the gaming PC was meant to do. Quadro cards are not meant for DirectX as their main rendering method.
>sitting in an uncomfortable desk chair
Sit in the couch then
>watching a small, low res monitor screen
Connect the PC to a TV then
>keyboard and mouse instead of a contoller which games are designed for
Pair your DS4/XBO controller to your PC then
>no exclusives other than niche genres (RTS)
Exclusives does not mean they are good, it simply means they are held imprisoned by the weak that fear they'd lose against the competition.
>community is the worst out of all major systems
You mean to say that the community is so large that you got lost in the shitty part of it, instead of seeking the good one.
>overrun by numales and zoomers because it became a reddit meme
What are you on about? The majority of reddit users are phone posters.
>devs have abandoned it and now only shit out console ports so you can play the latest ubisoft games at high framerate
Read above facts about imprisoned games because hardware vendors for consoles are too afraid of the competition.
Games are made on PC and all the fancy graphics you see are from high-end computers, then dumbgraded down to the consoles they are to be tortured and demeaned on until emulation frees them, or in best case scenarios they get a port so that the devs can smell the fresh air again. Unless it's outsourced because the publisher once again doesn't know shit about game development.

0/10 I'd say you're long lost gone and mentally deranged to the point that you believe the console underlords.