So whatever happened to this character?

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Other urls found in this thread:

dead and buried like she should be

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Who cares

>le i'm an old fag remember this xDDDD

what was she supposed to prove again?

that we actually dont hate women because we invented a weird not-daughter not-waifu to not-fawn over in a totally not weird way?

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A lot of people aren't old enough to remember this. Lol at that stupid haunted mansion game. Fucking young capitalists and that fag promoter

I really miss Yas Forumstan.
Wheelchair chan never did anything with it and Vivian only got two appearances not counting webcomics.

Whatever happened to the cripples after the Aussie MVP incident? I heard they were shut down.

>thinking gamer gate is oldfag

She got turned into a wojak and/or a pepe, like all the moeshit meme girls

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She was originally a manufactured strawman out of spite, then somehow became a mascot that was actually fun to rally around and piss SJWs off with. Like every good thing Yas Forums accomplishes, she was an accident.

I do not remember any fun webcomic about this character, I do remember the Dobson edits.
Meanwhile, we never got any webcomic or chan centered character ever again. I think artists mostly left the site reason we are stuck with wojack / pepes.

i hate you wojak fags so much

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Gamergate ruined Yas Forums

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>there are still gators who post on Yas Forums
>they bring up old propaganda to incite nostalgia and a time where they felt culturally important
>they secretly hope it becomes an image dump thread because they're too lazy to look up porn themselves

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Trannies and SJWs are trying to kill Yas Forums culture and you're falling for it.

It really didn't. The only people that thought so were vidya journalists, moot and faggots. And moot only had a personal investment in hating it

Ban me, I am posting stuff I shouldn't in a place I shouldn't, stop just deleting my stuff and ignoring me you fucking faggots.

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fuck off resetera trannies. she was just a tan made to represent V (hence the lifeless stare) because V needed to submit a character for the charity gamedev project they funded.
Gamergate twitter PR faggot took her and started posting positive moral fag shit.

She's still one of our cute mascots.

This. Vivian was never a strawman.

Gamergate brought tranny obsession, politics and general "us vs them" mentality to Yas Forums which forever ruined the board
look at the post above you for more proof

GamerGate was right but was halted by the media's control over narratives. It was a good insight into how the media works to decide the public's opinion on all things.

I was around years before gamergate, it didn't introduce any of that shit

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You aren't fooling anyone tranny.

Anyone got this version saved?

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>Regular on joystiq for years
>Posted on there and Yas Forums all the time back in 2009
>Gaming sites like it, Game Trailers and All Games Beta start to close down
>Joystiq posts a single desperate SJW like article a week before closing from a new writer trying to get final views as to prevent AOL from killing them
>Inevitably dies due to lack of revenue because everyone lost to Jewtube
>"Go woke go broke, we did it reddit"

Twitter was a mistake.

I ask this in every thread but does anybody have that old video back when gg broke out where it was the Gurren Lagann final battle but every character was replaced with some Eceleb?

I left Yas Forums around 2017 and came back to sethe, cope, dilate.

So I doubt that was it.

Got mindraped and gangbanged with smega cocks

No but I got this other gem
Bonus points: That was Jake Paul shot by Ice T.

sure you did frogposter
There's a clear point when Yas Forums turned from "Yas Forums 2.0 with videogames" to a retarded male version of tumblr where people pretend to discuss videogames so they can get outraged at something someone on Twitter said

Your zoomer is showing

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the irony

I took the character names as my Minecraft name and my online handle
good things can come outta this


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the real answer is everyone collectively realized she was cringe

>SJW cancer had already infiltrated all academia and big forums to control discourse as evidences moot going full simp for some feminist slut that cucked him
>b-but it's you guys that pointed out the evident who ruined everything!
You are either extremely stupid or you know full well what you are trying to do, SJW cocksucker

who is she? she looks cute.

more of a fan of white korra personally

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Don't know but i still like her cute design. stripped sweater on girls are cute

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Thanks, doc

That FUCKING soulless stare is so bonerkiller