Strange/obscure ports?

Strange/obscure ports?

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i was literally about to buy this since i have an OG Xbox...

Deus Ex on PS2.

It runs like absolute crap, don't do it
Although it is the only remaining official version in which you can do normal bhopping and prop flying

How in the actual fuck did they manage to do this with only 64MB of RAM?

These threads are usually about PC games on console. Can we have any examples of unexpected console games for PC?

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I still love it this way

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>that framerate when you play 4 player splitscreen

That was good, Unreal Championship though? Total garbage.

best version of original re1

Final Fantasy 7 actually

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Unreal Championship 2 though? Pretty great

First and only game I played on my 360. It immediately red ringed after starting a new game.

I only had this version of TFU and never knew it was almost an entirely different game than its 360/ps3 counterparts

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I was gonna say Liandri Conflict too, I should actually get that since I think it's BC on Xbone

DOOM on the PlayStation

Yeah it is, and it runs great because it was always a 60 FPS cap

this actually happened?


Thats the one with Raiden right?
yes, also pic related

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>Try to do a speedrun knowing all item locations
>Medallions did not spawn because you have to read the memos to spawn key items

Son of a fucking bitch.

Had the best box art

i pirated a bad copy that likes to freeze often so i barely ever play it when i'm visiting my parents

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I had this, It made my xbox crash every 20 minutes. Managed to get pretty far rushing the check points but I couldn't finish it.

Sold, I could use some Unreal these days, I played some Halo MCC today but it didn't quite scratch that arena shooter itch I've had lately

The last N64 game commercially released in North America if I remember

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This was only released in Japan and is extremely rare.

That was actually quite common for PS2/Wii games that were also on PS3/360. Sonic Unleashed and Splinter Cell Double Agent also did it.

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Does this count?

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Rabbids go home PC port

In the same vein, never released commercially but it was leaked online and it's fully completed. They did release the strategy guide though for some reason.

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Yeah I have a copy of it, can't show you though because it's not with me

that was the original platform just like BotW with the Wii U

I like how they just mirrored the entire game so that Link, like most players, would be right-handed on the Wii.

Heroes and Lost World were also on PC for some reason, but God forbid Colors or Unleashed

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