Any oldfags, neets or otaku want to talk about video games?

Any oldfags, neets or otaku want to talk about video games?

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We are all neets now user

Pre-gamergate Yas Forums was great.

what's your endgame?

I want to play a game but can't decide. Tell me what to play Haruhi

No it wasn't. The last time Yas Forums was good was 2007 during Japan time.

Anyways, I need to get back into Dark Souls 3. Put a few hours into it to get back to near where I was four years ago when I quit.

>video games
mega cringe

ok zoomer

You can't bring it back. It's over. Take each era for what it was. There's good things, bad things. The spirit can't live on grumbling about the past.

>he isn't essential
paycheck + free trumpbux is best in life

God after all this time there still isn't anyone hotter than Haruhi in a bunny suit

What game? In fact, I'll PLAY a game.

I'm playing animal crossing it is pretty good. Also completely off topic and not related to vidya I am a neet as well. How these two things relate to each other in any substantial way outside of being able to blogpost personal circumstance on a board that isn't r9k? I have no idea.

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I own a business and was forced to close. Now it's losing a hundred thousand a month. You be proud of your mcjob and $1200 trumpbux though.

Playing Doom 2 on UV for the first time.
>Pain elementals
>Archvile reviving chaingunners
>Another archvile reviving revanants
Spooky fun.

serves you right for running some superfluous bullshit lmao
enjoy failure

Sucks to suck bourgeois

Where do you think we are

Yas Forums was never good.
But it has gotten remarkably worse with each new year.

07-09 was Yas Forumss best era

>or otaku
That's everyone on this website you fucking retard
What's the point of this thread

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>wasnt essential
who cares lmao

I genuinely miss tripfags.
The quality of the worst tripfag attention whore is still better than the average post quality now.

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I don't miss the tripfags though

Which was pre-gamergate Yas Forums.

Hello, Based department

To try and maintain the facade of >muh sekret club hidden from da normies!! when if you really wanted a thread for the mentally ill and socially excluded to blogpost you could easily take it to another more on topic board.

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These threads sure are slowing down

I find it incredibly difficult to focus on videogames the way i used to. it just seems pointless like ive already experienced everything there is. I used to play like crazy when i was on Yas Forums in 2012 but now it feels like getting ready to climb a mountain. It feels really shitty because that was basically my entire identity

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