Doesn't the fact that the new power armor runs on fusion cores (items which have never existed in any previous Fallout installment in regards to power armor) immediately prove that Fallout 4 is non-canon.
Doesn't the fact that the new power armor runs on fusion cores (items which have never existed in any previous Fallout...
No, it proves that FO4 was a bad game.
the only reason fusion cores exist is because power armor is a different mechanic than in other fallouts
How else would you balance power armor now that it's actually a force to be reckoned with
you could argue that there were engine limitations preventing them from making armor take fuel, or that the first two games from another publisher shouldn't be gospel for how a new publisher handles it
if you used the first at all or the second for any specific misstep rather than the whole, you'd be retarded
No, it's called a retcon. Doesn't matter how shitty Fallout 4 is it's still canon whether you like it or not.
Nah, it proves that Bethesda can do whatever they want with the IP what they want because they own it. They did add it as a kind of balance for making the power armor not just a reskinned.
>inb4 le Todd xD or haha pete hines doesn't want to argue with nerds supermutant pic
Yeah yeah, do something against your receding hairline and have sex.
Who cares you loot tons of those things
While I hated how the game gives you a suit of power armor so early in the game, I really preferred how the game handled it. In any other Fallout, once you get power armor, you never take it off, there's rarely any time you need to take it off. In FO4, using power armor was just for special occasions until you have enough resources to be wearing it all the time. It also made you feel powerful. In the other games, it just had better defense. In FO4, it made you taller, more resistant, and had special abilities.
FO4 was still a sub-par game, but I felt it had some good additions.
That's the only thing that makes you think it is?
What about Jet in pre-war vaults when it was made post-war?
What about the fact that the FEV and super mutants are a household name now despite specifically being what made The Master and was localized entirely in one area?
What about Nuka Cola having special Power Armor X-01 variants?
There's definitely more than that but that's all that comes to mind.
No, it proves that every game before is non-canon.
Nigger just have it be mid to late game equipment that you have to unlock through RPG PROGRESSION
Or we can have retarded mechanics to throttle the player so they can hand this shit to you right at the beginning of the game. Then it can be shown off at E3 and retarded game journos can write their reviews on 2 hours of gameplay. What a swell idea Pete. Have another raise.
>Fallout canon
That has as much canon as the looney tunes
Man, why couldn't they have Fallout 3 take place in Washington state or something? Just out of the bounds of the Core Region to make up their own stuff, but still close enough to include all the traditional enemies and stuff? Like the DC area could've easily been Seattle. Lots of references to the Great War and China attacking Alaska. Close to the ocean so the mirelurks could be there. Sure there wouldn't be reference to the DC area, but that shit was just a bunch of unnecessary fluff anyway.
Fucking Bethesda so horny about seeing their own backyard as alternate future wasteland they destroy a franchises canon to do it.
Wheres the mod that replaced all npcs with ghouls?
But if every power armor prior to Fallout 4 didn't require an item called "fusion cores" to function, doesn't that mean that Fallout 4 is in a splinter universe from the main series, thus making it non-canon?
Also, wouldn't the redesign to the plasma rifle/pistol also mean that it's an alternate canon?
>retcon = non-canon
since when?
>Giving the player power armor in the first few minutes
>Then in order to counter this, having to put in an arbitrary time limit on their use
It could have been a really good side quest, of you getting training to use them, your first frame, your first parts then being able to use power armor. Instead they fucked it so god damn hard its impossible how you could make it worse.
Just to make something clear, in your opinion, why do you think the game designers decided to put a power armor at the beginning of the game, with a deathclaw to fight that is at least more than 10 levels higher than you, and a minigun to kill it?
Y'know with their deteriorating quality of writing, I'm actually afraid of how Elder Scrolls 6 is going to pan out. Bethesda is running (scratch that, /HAS/) out of ideas. Brainlets praise Fallout 4 as a "bad RPG, bad Fallout game, but good exploration" game, but don't realize why this is a net negative for all of Bethesda's RPG IPs. The whole shill Bethesda put out when it bought Fallout was that it would make compelling RPGs with the game at the point past Interplay when it was closing down.
They've lied completely.. their dumb-downed RPG elements are going to keep getting extreme until even with their new zoomer audience many will begin to openly mar Bethesda's writing or ability to make a competent game soon. TES:6 is going to be a shtishow..
Why even ask him such a question? Who can really decipher Bethesda's shit writing or internal logic? They just wanted to add in power armor and a "le Deathclaw xD" fight in the beginning just 'cuz.
Anyone got the link to the back ported power armors? Cant be uploaded on nexus
I'm fairly convinced that's because they tried to showcase two new mechanics that weren't there in Fallout 3 and New vegas
>power armor isn't a "heavy" type of armor that you can put on and off like any piece of clothing and doesn't require the training perk anymore, instead it's a frame powered by a fusion core that depletes as you move and consume AP for sprinting, VATS, etc... and the frame can have different pieces of armor
>the first deathclaw you fight is level 21 but the player is probably not even level 5 or 6 when encountering it, which means a skull will be displayed next to its name to indicate it has 10 more levels than you do and is potentially a dangerous foe, but then you have to kill it to understand than an enemy way stronger than you can still be beaten
Even on very hard the Deathclaw can be defeated by just moving backwards. Also they should've made power armor a mid-game thing to acquire where you finally get to see how it works after adequate build up. Getting power armor literally right after cryosleep when your helping the Minutemen was retarded. It didn't feel compelling at all.
The Fallout 3/NV plasma pistol was post war made by the Enclave you goddamn moron. Show me a source where it says it's prewar and factory made.
>once you get power armor, you never take it off
But that's exactly how it works in FO4.
Every single Fallout game from Fallout 2 onwards is non-cannon because the vault experiments weren't a thing in Fallout 1.
Actually according to fallout 1 the entirety of the fallout universe is all a simulation so inconsistencies literally don't matter
You were never supposed to question anything in Fallout 3 or 4, it all made sense because people who liked these games didnt care if something clearly didnt make make sense.
They liked the idea of an open world shooter in this setting and thats what Behtesda gave them.
Necropolis, Vault 12?
With what fusion cores? Even with the 3 near the beginning of the game you wouldn't have enough to walk to diamond city
Not possible, especially on survival
What the hell are you talking about? The Plasma Pistol is the most widely acquired energy weapon in the Wasteland? If it were developed Post-War by the Enclave only it wouldn't even be a common weapon.
Even scratching your dumbass fanon opinion piece, there is no proof either that Enclave made it, much less only in the Post-War era. Even if I were accept that the Plasma pistol is too common for it to believable that Enclave manufactured that much alone.
No point in excluding new Vegas as it also made no sense
>The Plasma Pistol is the most widely acquired energy weapon in the Wasteland?
Nigga what? What about the laser pistol? I don't even remember finding plasma other than the android quest and off enclave
Fusion Cores are literally around the game like candy user. Its even widely sold by tons of merchants or the Atom Cats IIRCly. Besides Bethesda at the time of releasing 4 hardly cared about conservation mechanics since they removed weapon maintenance. Fusion Cores were just added for their personal take on power armor going forward.
Not experiments, just incompetent construction.
user, the game practically dumps fusion cores on you. Especially with a token rank in Scrounger. Ammo boxes will sometimes dump FOUR on you at once. And as long as you arent spamming AP using actions like VATS or sprinting or power attacks those cores can last quite a bit even without any efficiency perks.
Now one of the few things 76 did right from the getgo is both make cores last longer, but now are a bit rarer outside of events and any wild ones you find tend to be only 1/4, 1/2, or sometimes 3/4 charged.
Fusion cores only show up in the loot tables at higher levels since they're also ammo for the gattling laser, and the Atom Cats are all the way on the other side of the map.
I actually didn't find the Atom Cats at all on my first play-through that's to how out of the way their camp is.
why does it look like an onahole