Crossgen evolutions were a mistake

Crossgen evolutions were a mistake

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Wait is there really a Pokemon called Chingling? What the fuck

this better be bait user

>Mime Jr.
These alone make it a net positive.

Sinnohfetuses get out

>not liking Gallade
Unironically dilate.

Your opinions are a mistake.

>onion waist


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better than megashit.

why haven't they added new babies anymore

There's only 3 bad ones. The biggest sin is evolite nearly guaranteeing we never get more.

Nope. It was genius. They take an old pokemon and shoot life into it. Giving new evolutions or now the new region form is an amazing idea. Rather than a pokemon being forgotten it comes back.

And I bet 90% of you will love a dunsparse evolution.

Oh you mean Drampa?

They were maybe the coolest pokemon in gen4. Most of them were dead in the water. Now they got an evolution and kick ass.

They were based. Nosepass, gligar, yanma, togetic, lickitung, sneasel, piloswine, misdreavus, honchkrow, roselia and tangela evolutions were definitely necessary

you can retcon megas, you can't retcon pokedex entries

>disliking mismagius, glaceon, leafeon, gallade and gliscor
hello? shit taste department?

rhydon and rhyhorn were always some of my favorite pokemon and i kinda like rhyperior

glaceon is easily one of the worse eeveelutions and literally has no elemental features like its equivalents
Lickilicky and Yanmega are useless
Fedorabird sucks and also loses Prankster

Why though? Theyre based as fuck. I sometimes forget Budey, Roserade, Weavile, and Chingling arent already apart of their respective prevo's generation.

>And I bet 90% of you will love a dunsparse evolution.
well yeah pretty sure op is in te minority on this. or he's just baiting. literally never heard anyone complain about the crossgen evos until now.

>literally never heard anyone complain about the crossgen evos until now.
you must be living under a rock, it was definitely a controversy and GF stopped doing them altogether

GF is just retarded, who cares what they think

probopass is one of the most hideous pokemon they've ever released, that is not correct.

probopass is based and makes coomers seethe

Crossgen evolutions were one of the few good things this franchise did, but the moment GF changes things for the better or does something new the fanbase whines and complains.

no, gen 4 was a mistake. the crossgens in 2 and 3 weren't all perfect but they were for the most part interesting or good. the megas and variants from gens 6+ are a bit more hit or miss but generally, I think they're alright. gen 4's cross-evos are a lot like gen 4 itself. Bad. The only even remotely decent ones in the whole lot are Honchkrow, Glaceon, Munchlax and maybe Froslass.

The fact that your image doesnt even have Ambipom (in my opinion one of the worst gen 4 cross-evos) probably speaks for itself

>Honchkrow, Glaceon
fedora bird and furry bait, yeah great picks user
not even something actually interesting like Mamoswine

>doesn't like Magnezone, Weavile, Porygon-Z or Yanmega
>likes fucking Glaceon and Munchlax

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