"Western" videogame marketing

"Western" videogame marketing

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I mean, it's a meme a certain demographic (both actual BLACKED fans as well as the memers who mock it) will recognize. This actually is good marketing. Also, fuck off shill.

the absolute state of vidya in the current year

I don't get it

>it's good marketing because it is a meme
Epic meme

They're all parodies of a notable interracial pornographic movie in which 5 black males fuck a white woman.

It's good marketing if the campaign generates a high ROI per the media being purchased.

Or if it builds brand awareness due to viral sharing such as this thread and all replies.

It's all part of ((())) plan.

Normalizing interracial porn

>Lineage 2 Europe
Uhh Eurobros? I thought it was only the mutts that did this???

You're posting it on here you fucking retard, it's good marketing

It's pretty disgusting desu.

daily reminder that these ads are personalized, OP is another obsessed incel who thinks about blacked and racemixing all day long

It's obviously in angl*

It just got you to see it. That's the point of advertising. You don't have to be in the audience who would buy it for it to benefit them as long as you're now aware it exists and will be more likely to engage in a discussion about it to spread it like a virus to other people exactly like OP is doing.

The shop is called "Sneed's Feed & Seed", where feed and seed both end in the sound "-eed", thus rhyming with the name of the owner, Sneed. The sign says that the shop was "Formerly Chuck's", implying that the two words beginning with "F" and "S" would have ended with "-uck", rhyming with "Chuck".

Interracial porn was already normalized by the millions of viewers who chose it when given unlimited options.

isnt war thunder a bunch of russians tho?

>SJWs whine about sexualized video game ads
>Yas Forumstards whine about video game ads that are obviously poking fun at the Blacked meme which many Yas Forumstards spread and endorse

the tank one and horse cock one actually got a chuckle out of me

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Look up the ethnicity of these companies' marketing directors and you will no longer be surprised.

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>Yas Forums reee because of blacked meme
>sane people cringe at ads using memes
it never get's old

>"ackshully it's about ethics in gaming journalism
No, it's not, and it never was.

The fantasy: BLACKED

The reality: BLEACHED

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Is one Yas Forums thread representative of all Yas Forums users?

>Yas Forums memes something
>Gets surprised and upset when said meme becomes mainstream

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t. Liberal faggot projecting himself.

>poking fun
It's celebrating it.

The west really is absolutely obsessed with interracial porn aren't they

So now Yas Forums is going to random underwear sites to throw tantrums about a black man and white girl together? You can't make this shit up.

it's just reddit having a meltdown over the fact that free discourse is allowed here, and that anti-jew and anti-nigger sentiment naturally grows in any forum that allows uncensored discussion

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ITT retard doesn't understand marketing

all this is saying is that people prefer their own race.


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Nobody you responded to said anything about ethics or journalism.

it wasn't even a blacked scene, it was a colette scene with piper perri.

t. bbc addicted white sissy boi