Bought this bad boy for 150USD, what im for?

bought this bad boy for 150USD, what im for?

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onions fun

>what im for?
What the fuck are you even asking?

Joycon drifting

this is confirmed for the lite system?

has anyone ever shoved a joycon up their ass? does it feel good?

The switch lite was immediately added to the stick drift lawsuit. That thing is absolutely fucked.

Fake news

Yes, it happens in lite consoles too. Funny thing is that at first it asked you to deatach and calibrate joycons too. Dunno if they changed the firmware to not make this change show

Joycon drifting isn't even real, snoyboy.

What is he in for?


Enjoy wasting your money on new joycon then.

A worse version of the switch in every way

Mario and Zelda on the go + a ton of ports of a quality that you'd expect from a handheld. Haxx exploit never.

you fucking idiot
buy a regular one

Yes, and it has yet to be fixed.
Then there is the P13USB problem.

Has anyone had their screen pop off? My screen is coming out of the console, like the glue has failed or something. The entire right side of the screen just pops out.

Uh no Nitengod will give you a new one for free and also just clean your joycon and your house while you're at it troglodyte.

A trip back to the store.

Stop sitting on your switch.

Nintendo games, I guess. First parties are good as ever. Bit limited, though.

Damn, the snoys work quick.

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>send in joycon and a whole console in case of the switch lite is an acceptable thing
>this is a problem that has affected switch for 3 years now

Sure, whatever you say

Nintendo shill revisionism everybody


shitty ports and overpriced android/nintendo games

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>what if joycon drift was all planned
>the switch lite is just a failsafe to ensure you have to send in your console eventually
>every console that comes in gets its storage scanned and swiped
>TFW it was all a ploy to further find ways to cater to normies

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Nah its just basic planned obsolecense.
Nintendo is the Apple of videogames, give overpriced shit to their players and they will buy it.

So they know people will buy Joycons over and over again.

the hell are you implying? Why would nintendo want to get consoles back?

>replying to a mass reply

you can delete your own posts, you know