Why isn’t Microsoft doing anything with them? (Aside from battletoads) they are sitting on a pile of gold

Why isn’t Microsoft doing anything with them? (Aside from battletoads) they are sitting on a pile of gold

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The age of the mascot is over old man
nobody cares about conker or battletoads anymore

Conker is something that only could have worked in the 90s.

How come Microsoft shilled super lucky’s tale so hard then?

Rare can't do shit on their own nowadays. Even their passion projects turn out to be underwhelming.

Fucking hilarious that they used the Nuts & Bolts designs for this drawing

They still have the plot to the sequel somewhere in rare’s archives
Apparently the sequel would rely more on original stuff rather than movie parodies, like the panther king coming back from hell

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Yes, and?

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The new Battletoads looks awful

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Creator shared the design documents online but has said multiple times he's turned down offers from MS to come back and lead any Conker projects purely because the game was too much of a product of his youth.

So, Microsoft does wanna make a sequel, it’s just seavor being a lazy asshole, kinda like Gregg Mayles

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They are working on it, at a glacial pace. Killer Instinct was seven years ago, Rare Replay was five years ago, Battletoads is on it's way. The real hold-up is Rare, they just don't want to work on the old IPs and would rather work on SoT, or their latest IP Everwild. For whatever reason, Microsoft has stated that they don't want to force Rare to make the old IPs and basically let them work on what they choose. Someone else will have to step up and say that they want to work on Perfect Dark, Conker, Banjo, or whatever, the same way that Double Helix did for Killer Instinct.

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Still one of the funniest bits in the game.

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It's pretty apparent that Phil Spencer wants to push Rare as a brand as much as he can, but the company just isn't in the same shape it was back when they were cranking out massive hits every year with teams of 13 people at a time.

Has Sea of Thieves gotten any content. Last i played it, it was a decent skeleton of a game but next to no meat.

>Microsoft and Nintendo seem pretty buddy buddy now.
>No Rare Replay Switch version with all the Donkey Kong games and Diddy Kong Racing.

was the remaster of this game any good? I loved it on the 64 but god damn a third person shooter without a second stick is annoying

They added some content based on older rare IPs, like a Conker ship, or a viva piñata one

They wanted to have Pixar-esque animated bloopers during the end credits where the characters would "break-character," flub lines, misuse props, etc. Not sure why they didn't go with it, but that scene with the Tediz was a relic of that idea.

Don't you faggots ever get tired of raging at nothing? Get over it. Microsoft has owned Rare for 20 years.

Nintendo would never bundle one of their IPs in the same package as a rival company's, especially one that values each game at $1. That's just a little too idealized.

People will tell you the "soul" is gone but in terms of gameplay, it made a TON of QoL improvements and fixed some of the more frustrating elements of the original. It's probably the version that's easiest to recommend. Only downside is that it doesn't have the same multiplayer as the original.

The internet never forgets

It's time to let go. Rare is a different studio now.

Hopefully they make something with the other IPs after they are finished with everwild

They're updating this week and adding a PvP faction, in addition to crew revives and other stuff like arena reworks and a new way to form alliances and work with other crews

I know Nintendo are a bunch of Jews, but I still want a rare replay port, even if it doesn’t include DK, I’m not buying an Xbox one just to play ports of rare games

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>not the same multiplayer
son of a bitch, it's easier than ever to have good multiplayer why kneecap yourself like this? Could you at least choose every character in the death matches (and I mean EVERY character)

At the absolute best, they'd release the Banjo games (maybe a few of the others that were on N64 as well like the updated Perfect Dark) by themselves on Switch, but Rare Replay just isn't feasible. Xbox One runs the bulk of them through backwards compatibility and needs access to the XBLA to even activate some of them.

I mean, Killer Instinct and Battletoads are getting new games, and Perfect Dark has been heavily rumored.