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Looks like he's pissed Bethesda took his songs and hired a literal who on the cheap to fuck with his shit.

>the rap ad

I suspected Mick Gordon was gonna leave Bethesda soon.

He's been pumping out A LOT of shit during a pretty fucking small timeframe and he's definitely big enough to start throwing his weight around at this point. He could probably find way better work elsewhere.

Classic Bethesda. No one is better at finding diamonds in the rough and dragging them through 10 miles of shit.

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>He could probably find way better work elsewhere.

O'Donnell had to go independent, and he is/was a literal genius.

Good riddance, Eternal only really has 2 decent themes. I kinda want Andrew Hulshult for an hypothetical new one, but I don't want zenimax fucking him. We'll see.

Next Doom will have trap music.

>Eternal only really has 2 decent themes.
Which are?

>Doom Eternal was GOTY-tier
>ID decides to go out on a high note with the IP instead of running the name into the ground
based ID. maybe they'll make a real quake game again.

He's already independant isn't he? I always got the impression Bethesda contracted him for individal soundtracks.

At eternal's gate, which is a remix of the og icon of sin theme, so it was pretty hard to fuck it up, and the only thing they fear is you, which is probably the only memorable one from all the levels

Mick Gordon, Shootie MG and Jamie Christopherson collab when

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Bobby Prince didn't compose Doom 3's OST, you know. How much you wanna bet Andrew Hulshult will do the next game's soundtrack?

isn't the point that this guy only did a handful of tracks as opposed to the whole OST? no wonder most of it is shit

he also probably pissed off Bethesda with pic related

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Andrew Hulshult seems quite happy to do boomer shooter scores. Not like he needs work.


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good. fuck kike gordon hes a woketard

This thread is the first time I heard that, and boy it can be noticed ingame if true

He doesn't work for Bethesda, he is contracted.

Why does nobody question the veracity of the OP pic when the entire rest of his twitter account is just vomiting rainbows about the rest of his time working on the soundtrack?

Eternal was the 6th doom game you absolute retard

This board takes everything seriously.

how did the original ID guys lose control of their IP? How did John Romero and all the rest of the boomer core creators not desperately hang onto their mega IP and not continue to grow it like an American Nintendo? Also the same question for most American IPs? The norm seems to be the creators make something wonderful then it gets sold off and whored out

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>the entire rest of his twitter account is just vomiting rainbows about the rest of his time working on the soundtrack
well not always according to

I think they're talking about the OST album, not the in-game music.

Except a recent tweet linked to you in this very thread.

Because shows there's some animosity behind the scenes.

Because they're actually talking about the album version that just came out.

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>Doominal Crossing: Eternal Horizons

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Zenimax are such pieces of shit.


Oh yeah, Bethesda will definitely cancel their only FPS series, besides Fallout, that still makes some profit to them because the OST guy threw a temper tantrum on the internet.

You forgot Wolfenstein.

No he didn't.

Wolfenstein isn't an FPS?

Thank goodness the only good tracks he's ever done are from killer instinct. His shit is so trash in doom

As of Youngbloods, Wolfenstein doesn't make them profit.

They were only interested making fun videogames.

And Super Gore Nest

Say what you will about Hell on Earth, Gladiatior or Ruins of Nekroval but you're fucking stupid if you're ignoring Super Gore Nest

>The norm seems to be the creators make something wonderful then it gets sold off and whored out

That is the American way. Unironically. There's no pride attached to companies, just money.

Considering the last one was like 2/3rds cutscene of a nigger yelling at Blowjob Blaskowitz by volume, no.

id was dead in the water for years before they sold out to Zenimax. IP's not worth shit if you don't do anything with it.

>Doominal Crossing:Eternal Horizons
>The entire fucking twitter description of that account

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