How you guys holding up with quarantine

How you guys holding up with quarantine

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just started playing darkest dungeon for the first time. radiant with crimson court. its pretty fun desu.

I need a fucking haircut

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i'm so fucking boooooooooooooooooooored

I'm essential and I stay inside all day when not working anyway so my schedule literally hasn't changed at all

Started dating a girl about a month before quarantine. Haven't seen her since it started. At least I have Risk Of Rain, P5R, and Animal Crossing.

Summer vacation has been great.

Me too jesus christ its unbearable
Almost considering having a bowl cut

Then get off your ass, buy some clippers, and start learning.


It's great. Hopefully I can find the courage to decline more social invitations after the dust settles.

No job

Mom died from cancer

Just finished Persona 5 Royal so now I'm looking for another game to play with my abundance of free time

Incredible, will enjoy the NEET life collecting unemployment while it lasts

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I haven't showered in over a month
it turns me on desu

Cut your own hair you fucking manchild, it's really not hard at all

I replayed Borderlands since it was free for a few days. I'm trying to clear out my backlog with all this time, but I don't know what to pick:
>Raidou 2
>Shadow Tactics
>Ultima Underworld
>Metal Gear Solid
>Vagrant Story
>Soul Hackers

I attempted to play Raidou 2, but I bounced off of it because weird emulator glitches.

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I got used to it, and now it has already became my new normal.

So boring and now they're making us wear masks

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Pretty good just got a job at walmart making $15 / hr

this as well
kinda disappointed in a way but fuck it I live in a low risk area, the place I work is a private business so no unauthorized personnel, they've stepped up safety procedures so more downtime and the people I know who are off work are freaking out over making ends meet so maybe it's for the best

Me and you live very close to each other. Do you think it would be dumb to get a job right now? How fucked is our area?

counting down till people realize this virus is an extinction level event made by inhumane chinks thinking they're god


That's it

No it's not, shut the fuck up

Tried staying in touch with girl from work after we got laid off. I just stopped seeing a reason to text her though. It's been a month. I guess if she liked me she'd text me right?

nothing is different

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There's a fat crazy 35 y/o German woman who is harassing me sexually online whenever I try to play vidya.
Quarantine has been fucking weird.

I’ve embraced it. I also haven’t shaved in a month.

I think finding a work from home is smart. I think San Antonio is a little fucked but our death rate is pretty good


I started playing mobile games on my PC.

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>tfw my first potential jobs doesn't hire me because of covid-19 even after I made it through multiple interviews; right before I'm about to start university as well.
Summer/Fall 2020 are going to be real weird.

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All motivation to be productive is gone. It feels like when I was a neet 8-10 years ago. I'm bored and lonely and now I'm out of alcohol.

>can’t drink because of steroidsand don’t want to risk an ulcer
Maybe next week

>Have second interview for higher paying city work
>Governor calls for shut down
>That department isn't considered "essential"
>Try to get a hold of them
>No response
>My face

It paid a whole 20k more than I make now. God damn it, China.

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Same here. But let's be thankful we got our pandemic pussy before it all fully went to shit. That was my motivation anyway.