What went wrong?
What went wrong?
Too many wide-open spaces, enemies that are out of your sight can shoot you from across the map. But besides that it's pretty good
long as fucking fuck comparatively
Unironically too hard.
You could tell the game was playtested by people who had played the original HM to death aka the developers themselves
Nothing did, it improved on the original in every way possible, and is one of the best vidya filters of all time. We still have people crying and seething about windows and more open levels.
>people are crying about it being flawed therefore it's good
Except those aren't flaws, they just failed to adapt to the game because they were used to being able to steamroll everything in the game with a knife in HM1. HM2 actually makes you think and strategize in ways the (still amazing, mind you) original game just didn't.
Off-screen enemies
i swear to god the "peek" thing doesn't even go as far as they place some enemies
The fucking windows, and how you got shot before you could even see the enemies; HOWEVER, it was still fun. Honestly my biggest complaint is that getting a high score is simply just killing as fast as possible whereas in the first one switching weapons, plus executions is more satisfying.
Adapting to shitty design doesn't magically make it not shitty design, your entire argument hinges on flawed logic.
Silence contrarian.
the number
long hallways and windows
not being able to pick masks
fuck you
Fuck mobile posting, just wanted to laff at joke
they got a little too up their own ass with it.
also windows.
Just because you got filtered does not mean it's shitty design. The level design is straight-up better than in the original Hotline Miami.
>HM1: mostly hallways and small rooms, can literally beat almost every level without even using guns except for fatties and it isn't even difficult - by the time they start introducing more thought-provoking levels that required a decent amount of strategizing, you are about to beat the game
>HM2: almost every level is wildly different, requiring you to change your playstyle and have lightning-fast reflexes multiple times in just one room; some are small and compact, some are open and frenetic, others are a mix of the two. try to get through the game with just melee or just guns and you'll get fucked hard
>lightning-fast reflexes multiple times
you mean retrying multiple times after dying to unforeseeable off-screen shots
your entire argument hinges on being a casual faggot.
If you're bad at the game, sure. You do know you can press shift to look farther, right?
No they aren't. I guarantee you cannot find a single area in the game where enemies shooting at you while being so far away that, even while holding Shift, you cannot even see their sprite.
>Man, this thread sucks, I fucking hate these people.
Never played 2 so I bought the collection on switch, but the controls are trash. 2's on sale on steam now and I'm probably just gonna go for it. Is it worth it?
Too many windows, sightlines are all thirty miles long at a minimum and every hoodrat and ruskie in Miami's a fucking master sniper, story starts out telling multiple narratives at the same time while jumping around the timeline but just gives up like halfway through and starts telling each character's story in unbroken chunks before moving onto the next character, Richard got turned into some kinda value-model G-Man who randomly teleports in to put the plot on hold so he blatantly spell out the themes that each character's arc is about, and the devs delayed the level editor for a full fucking year and it still sucks shit
>Is it worth it?
If 2's normal price were doubled, it'd still be worth it. One of the best games ever made, and the perfect sequel to another one of the best games ever made. Plus it's got Workshop support.
>not liking Richard
This, huge areas meant way more trial and error
If you liked 1 then absolutely but it is notably harder.
You have to be born with thick skin to enjoy it
restricting which masks/characters you can use from mission to mission
richard is a really generic character
just lock on to them
better yet just hide in a corner and bait them to come to you
Now name your favorite custom campaigns
Silence contrarian.