What is the best DLC in all of vidya?

What is the best DLC in all of vidya?

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any free dlc

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Blood and Wine, Hearts of Stone for Witcher 3.

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>splatoon 2 free updates
>octo expansion for splatoon 2
>torna de golden country for XB2
>undead nightmare for RDR
>minerva's den for Bioshock 2
>Hollow Knight free updates
>CTR:NF free updates
just from the top of my head

All of the Shovel Knight DLCs.

is that real

>gets a bit of money after playing the underdog act(he had connections) and immediately his jew instincts kick in and he starts acting like a hypocritical moron
What fucking inbred mental illness causes this?


has there been a bigger downfall on youtube than H3? Maybe Boogie1488

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Unironic answer? Probably the Half Life 1 expansions, especially Opposing Force.

Whatever the surf island thing was called in burnout paradise too

Yes look it up

Hard to fall down when they were shit to begin with. Nothing but low effort reaction videos and unfunny commentary


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lol this nigga looks like a fucking thumb

I played this on PS4, but damn the level of detail is so good on david beckham

>What fucking inbred mental illness causes this?
it's called being jewish.

ReMind (specifically for Limit Cut, the Secret Episode and Data Greeting)

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The bloodborne was good too.
Alot of dark souls are pretty decent.

>edgy Youtubers turn into the thing they hate the most, sheltered well off literal cucks and retards with shit opinions
Why does this always happen?

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free new content DLC

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>What fucking inbred mental illness causes this?
What do you think?

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funny how pewds got the opposite despite being called a nazi

You can't be edgy and rich, that's just how it is.

To be fair, he did tone down his edge a lot and groveled at the establishment's feet when he said the bad no-no word.
Still pretty good compared to 99% of youtube tho, i agree.

I don't know about that...

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Truly the end of an era.

Yeah and then he apologized and acted like he made a horrible mistake.


idk why people started to get offended over things that were pretty common, playing videogames lets you let off steam so of course you'll throw slur, i think is healthier to simply let stress out this way than being bottled up because some fag chose can't handle words
and that wasn't enough to them because is not about getting an apology, is about having your foot on someone's neck

I've always thought he was a faggot desu, h3h3 too I guess

You're not telling anyone here anything new, the point is just that Pewdiepie isn't edgy, so i was right for saying you can't be edgy and rich anymore.

pewds was never edgy, he's just someone who simply said a lot of stupid shit but it just happens that sometimes that stupid shit is offensive for the woke crowd. but yeah even oney has to blip bad words in his recent videos though old videos of anyone that said fag or retard before aren't censored.
Retsupurae used to be somewhat edgy but fans who couldn't keep the fun to themselves plus slowbeef being pro-anita slowly killed the channel

What did cr1tikal do?

Retsupurae died because they got old, man. They have families now and shit. I liked their old content but frankly it'd be sadder if they were still acting like edgy 20 year olds.

>Joji went off to be a gay Soundcloud rapper
>Maxmoefoe plays with Pokemon cards now
>iDubbbz is a confirmed cuck
>Pewdiepie went back to playing shitty games and Reddit videos
>Jontron is riding on Flextape memes
>H3H3 is a sellout and a hypocrite
>Dunkey constantly goes full retard
>Cr1tikal face reveal
What happened to these guys? Is it the end of an era?

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Slowbeef is pro Anita? That's disappointing, he did a great DSP impression.

Dunkey is still popular outside of Yas Forums.

I don't get the appeal of H3H3
His douchebaggery is so grotesquely obvious. His true side has been exposed a lot as a scumbag.
He can't make proper arguments against his detractors. He can't make proper arguments at all.
He can't lead a conversation. He's genuinely unentertaining if you're not the one breaking the ice.
His podcasts are insufferably boring unless his guests can somehow brighten up the atmosphere
I'm not demanding you to hate him, but what I want to know is why you fans like him so much.

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Don't quite get why people are on idubbbz ass. As far as I know the people subscribing to his girlfriends OnlyFans won't get to fuck her no matter how much money they give her.

They've all changed but you forgot one demigod who's timeless

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I genuinely think it's an "emperor's new clothes" thing.
Nobody actually thinks unfunny h3 catch phrases like "vape nation" are actually funny, but they laugh because they don't wanna be the person who doesn't get it.

I don’t really like him much these days either, I used to enjoy his old videos but now he just does this shitty podcast.

Because it's trendy to go 'wow I can't believe [creator] has fallen so far' in videos constantly.

Most sane people stopped watching him once he moved to LA. The only people who still watch him now are dudes still clinging to the edgy Youtube era and zoomers who don't don't any better.

Became a normie talk channel

Idubbz was always overrated
>dude let me talk into the camera, occasionally make a silly voice, and make hard cut edits for comedic effect

>show face
>people now care for him showing his face
>stopped caring about quality content because people just want to see his "pretty face"