She's so fucking fun holy shit

She's so fucking fun holy shit

Attached: 1559643599654.jpg (1200x675, 70.11K)

Not as fun as Brig but yeah

Your social credit has increased by 5.

She's gonna get beat harder with the nerf stick more than Brig ever has

She is, but the game's still shit

I still prefer genji out of the fast mobile dps heroes.


Kill yourself blizzard shill. No one wants to play your failed esport trashcan retard game. I hope you and the entire company burn up in a fucking fire.

Um.. yikes!
Like bro... do you like, hate fun?
Cringe bro! Downvoted.

Annoying as fuck to play against too

We heard you are having too much fun, so we banned her in ranked. Enjoy your Mei Reaper matches!

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Shitty garbage dead game only good for cooming.

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>players suggest hero bans
>devs refuse because the hero pool is too small
>2 more heroes added and suddenly that's enough
>blizzard proceeds to pick the bans themselves instead of letting the players pick the bans every match.
They just can't let players have some form of control in the game right?

whats the point of putting in all that effort for a fucking infographic but then using the orisa pose that gets cut off
what kinda of dumb

She is, that's why she will get nerfed/reworked into being unfun soon.

>Playing ranked

And yet her design is terrible because of that fucking FACE

Play Stealth/Camo and bam, you don't have to worry about that anymore.

the only two changes I want are
>lazer does either less dmg or works for a shorter amuont of time
>right click bombs don't stick to the player anymore

Best character they've released since Ana.


Attached: ashe default.webm (1920x1080, 2.88M)

Ashe sucks unless you are literally the most desperate coomer of all time.

>tfw hooking a flying Echo out of the air and one-shotting her
fuck DPS
fuck healers
fuck other tanks
hog for life

Attached: pure bliss.jpg (523x714, 62.14K)

Is she really Singaporean?

I want her lips on mine.

too bad she's ugly
got a fucking 6head on her

I want to see an Echo copy an Ana and nano boost half the team.

>human face

Attached: 1579820278053.gif (320x180, 806.4K)

I hate when they give robots human faces

>Ashe sucks because I'm an aimlet

>let me just remove as many dpsfags I can from normal ranked so that wait times become shorter
wtf jeff

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Based. I hope you lose your job OP and get raped on the street