Why does nobody ever talk about this game?

Why does nobody ever talk about this game?

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>being cool in the 21st century

liberals ruined it

day one trash

Why has nobody taken your virginity?

look ma! i posted it again!

can u fuq vampire girls? if not i aint interested

I paid a lady to take it at 29 actually, a few years ago. So, FUCK YOU.

I have thought about the female Tremere's anus, every day, for almost twenty years now.

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The new version of the tabletop game got ruined by politics.
Uneducated spastics here mistakenly think the vidya suffered the same fate.

how dare people discuss the sequel to one of Yas Forums's bigger cult favorites

ok now dump your folder

you posted this thread yesterday

Just dump the Rudi bullshit and then fuck off.

that isn't me, that's some autist poltard, I want to actually discuss the game, and what they should do with it. if people would ignore him, he'd go away

Because it's not coming out until 2022 and the early stuff that was shown is basically fake and not the real game at all.

I'm not the Rudi poster dipshit.

>the early stuff that was shown is basically fake
how do you know? if they were going to fake it, wouldn't they at least fakr gunplay that actually works?

>I want to actually discuss the game
>discussing a game
>on Yas Forums

Even if you aren't baiting, leave.


Writers for 2 already said the original game was too immature, insensitive, too much of a male power fantasy, etc. So yeah it's probably ruined too.

new here?

But you are making a thread knowing, maybe even hoping that he'll show up. This thread is low quality bait. You say you want to discuss the game but have no posted anything except the same over and over.

based, you sure showed him. That scripted gameplay and all those trailers look ebin, the game's gonna be so kino, huh?

because you keep making the same thread with the same content just like yesterday

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SJW's killed most interest in it. And, not much has been released to talk about. I think Nosferatu got axed so there is double non-interest.

Because I'd rather it be a Hunter the Vigil game

It's not out yet

nWoD is dead, nothing will ever be licensed for it

It's pretty funny watching people take the bait every single time though.


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I don't know why we can never get a game where you're a weak human. They'd probably do like the og xbox game and give you magic and unlimited ammo.

kill yourself shill