Imagine having a sex doll that can play vidya while you fuck her. How will roasties ever recover?
Imagine having a sex doll that can play vidya while you fuck her. How will roasties ever recover?
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That’s an unironically better character design than any Sony exclusive game has. I would love if (s)he was their new mascot.
I want to fuck that gamer girl cloud.
>getting your dick sucked by cotton candy while playing bing bing wahoo
>"you lost user, that means I'm in control this time!"
>robo-femdom might be a reality in your lifetime
>come, 2B, let's play some Nier!
Have you tried Cloud 10?
this is sad, only pathetic weeb trannies or Yas Forumsirgin incels will disagree
in the end there will be nothing that biofems could ever do to halt progress in this department. there's simply too much money in it. they have brought their irrelevance upon themselves.
>Yas Forumsirgin incel
ok dumb retard
This is mostly focused on Japanese consumers who mostly live alone in their small apartments, so the idea of giving them a companion that they can live with is starting to become a possibly lucrative business
It's actually kind of depressing
That's what a 'CPU' player is called.
Make it a bit cuter and I wouldn't mind fucking it
>something like this is more appealing to them instead of just getting a dog, a cat, or even a fucking fish
I mean, I get it's ridiculously low maintenance, but still. If you're lonely, a pet is a quick fix, especially one like a dog or cat that can show you affection
Most tiny apartments don't allow pets.
I do agree that you probably want a houseplant or fish before you want robotic sex slaves.
The thing is that for a lot of Japanese people living in major cities, apartments are tiny as shit, to the point of some being the size of a parking space, so they aren't allowed to have pets
It shows a lot of what is wrong with our society (unironically)
I guess you could say this is the next level of Cloud gaming
I like it!
Better than the horribly inbred animals that come with any number of health defects.
I guess I didn't consider the apartment size. But definitely a fish would be a better option, that or like the other guy mentioned a house plant.
Maybe something like herbs or a tomato plant so there's more of a need to take care of it since you use it for cooking/eating
>when you realize men are evolved to want a stay at home wife
>when you realize that by nature itself anything else just isn't worth the trouble to most men
Have any of you, by chance, read "Industrial Society and its Future"?
Never heard of it.
Keep bitching about how men are shit. It's imagine losing to a fucking robot wouldn't be good for confidence.
why cant it be pic related instead
>wanted a relationship when I was younger
>now I'm content with spending my free time doing whatever the fuck I want, and taking care of my sexual needs with porn or erp
Relationships are just exhausting. I'd do another friends with benefits thing like I did in college, but I don't want to dedicate a significant amount of my time babying a woman who constantly feels like she needs her emotions validated
Roasties should just be scared at how easily they can be replaced, although I guess they know already.
I would but corona has made it impossible to go to my local amp.
Meme posts aside, how long from release until there is a tutorial online for putting a flesh light pussy mod in this thing? A week? 24 hours?
Don't fall for the memes, it makes lot of valid points about how technology changes society and why it makes our lives more frustrating and unfulfilling.
Recover from what? From you removing yourself from the genepool? I'd say that's a win for them
Just get a hole saw and some hot glue, lol
You’re underestimating how horny people are, someone is coming up with a way to do it right now off of his knowledge of basic animatronics.
Now if only I can get a trap doll that can cum.
Yes, uncle Ted was 100% right
>buy realdoll
>use AR+deepfake to project any person's face on the doll while you fuck it
>tfw you will never have a cuddly robot friend that you can snuggle up whilst you play vidya
>thinly veiled rec thread
I guess this explains the wmaf explosion
tbqh it would be pretty cool to have some sort of ai that would act like one of the characters in the game that youre currently playing, like playing tf2 with the heavy by your side