>Rule #1, I don't date animals
Furfags FOREVER BTFO, how will they EVER recover?
>Rule #1, I don't date animals
Furfags FOREVER BTFO, how will they EVER recover?
>get best girl turned from filthy knife-ear to glorious ottsel god-form
checkmate skinfags
Gearhead girls are always the best
>Jak gets the shittiest girl
>Daxter gets the best girl
What's the problem?
Bruh what the FUCK are those shoes?
licky licky toe shoes mmm
why didnt they port this to modern home consoles?
This game was fun as all hell
I remember really liking the first game on ps2, should i play the sequels?
Naruto/Nickelodeon feet stuff was taking off
All these weirdos didn't come out of nowhere, they were corrupted on purpose to stall reproduction
Ah, my first psp game. I feel old.
I didn't like the second one since what I liked about the first game was the atmosphere and focus on levels
Never played the third but I kind of wish I did since the desert environment actually looked mildly interesting, and like they had pulled a Two Thrones
Yeah, the second 2 games are different but still a lot of fun. I played them a lot growing up.
Yes, you fool. It's been remastered as a trilogy. Twice.
I was ok with the 3rd game to the point that I actually finished it
1 and 2 were snorefests for me
I never really got into the series that much, wasn't really something that grabbed me, really
same thing with ratchet and clank
Best Jak girl, coming through
>her tits sway and bounce in the model viewer
Man, I Jak'd off to that way too much as a kid
Kek. So did Jak. Too bad Keira was the made-to-be-with character
>he only liked the worst game
Shit taste, user
If we ever get another game we desperately need more Ashelin.
Is it just me, or didn't she look cuter in Jak 2?
>tfw if we ever get another Jak game Nu Naughty Dog would never make the designs this sexy
Seeing how Nu-NaughtyDog is going and the direction their original Jak 4 idea was, Ashelin wouldn't look nearly as hot. And her boobs would change to an A cup
At this point, I don’t want another game anymore.
A PS4 2013 release would’ve been welcome, but these days we will get something abortion-tier (like Mass Effect: Andromeda)
2000s were best decade
You could have fun without shoving a message, could say faggot and retard without getting a bounty put on your head, could make fun of anybody, race relations were pretty great if you weren't Muslim, you could ignore politics completely and you'd only have one or two autists screaming about you being part of the problem
Music sucked but hey, can't have everything
TimeSplitters is one of the first things I can think of in regards to getting away with literally whatever they wanted. I mean come on, the hot chick literally wore a shirt that just said "SLUT" in big letters
>tfw never played that game and half my friends have extremely comfy nostalgia for it
Video games were for losers, so nobody cared.
Then money happened.
Thinking about how cucked and shit both Jak and timesplitters 4 would/will be is upsetting.
Timesplitters will have fucking chimps as paid-dlc and include horrible meme references so it's much worse however.
Why did developers have to change their ways and cater to cunts who don't even play the games. Now if a game doesn't have a message, it isn't good
>some clueless manager greenlit this idea
>didn't do literally any research into if what they were proposing was possible at all
>just threw money at it, trusting what some roasties had to say
I genuinely wonder what the people running the show were thinking. Obviously they knew they were telling lies, but did they actually think they'd get away with it? Or did they think that it wouldn't matter after they've been paid?
I blame social media. Now instead of just having your fans take the effort to write in letters or emails, you have faggots who have never even heard of your game before giving you shit because someone they follow online said
>this game shows pretty girls, and that's a bad thing!