Post underrated games

Post underrated games

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Origin also was alright

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This was great.

This was trash.

You first

awesome games

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Honestly this was my first SH game. I played 1-3 because of it,

I forgot this existed for years

Fuck you I liked it

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Most people ignored it. MGA1 had pretty good sales despise being forgotten like most non kojima games now, but MGA2 was a bomb.

a shame, it was superior to the first game in every ways, and the last metal gear game with Nojiri as a director (he also directed Ghost Babel and MGA1)

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It's not perfect, but it's fine as an MG spin off, a 6,5/10 (but a real one, not a BS one.)

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Downpour was a good game

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It was eh for me, but the closest western SH game to the japanese ones. a shame it had to be rushed and the PC port canceled.

Masahiro Ito did the japanese cover art.

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>and the PC port canceled.


I could had used an entire series that was about actual psychological horror like SM.
Only good on PSP because of the technological limitations of the system made the game stand out in the PSP library but otherwise a terrible game on PS2, same as VCS.

found the gay retards.

My nigga.
>Those cardboard 3d googles
>Building an infinite turn deck
Damn I loved that game.

they just aren't scary

I tried really hard to like it, but the enemy design and ending were too much for me.

stop looking in the mirror user

>card based tactic game
>3d glasses included
... what? this sounds dangerously based. As good as it sounds? Cuz rn i'm expecting MGS3/slay the spire/Xcom/spy-kids 3d


SM is a good thriller and an interesting one at that without ever feeling like a walking simulator.

The game had plenty of potential, interesting setting, gameplay mechanics and story.
Much like Homecoming, it feels the developers barely made it to the deadline. You can tell Homecoming was supposed to have more gameplay options as you are given dialogue choices that do not matter at the end.

>As good as it sounds?
Word of warning, it is an off canon adventureStill better plotwise than MGSV

Megaman Powered Up! and MGSA!2 were my favorite PSP games.

I'd give it less than 5 user, the way it dragged me around the map for fucking hours for any semblance of content was just not worth the time. Even the most exciting part imo, doing the dungeons took far too long and I was impressed I gave the game a chance long after that.

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Acid1 also had Teliko who was very cute.

I fucking wish those games had ports, even on mobile (and i'm not talking about the old java mobile games they did about them), it would be cool. won't happen though. the current MG fanbase hate spin offs beside MGRR.

MGA1 is alright but has some flaws. MGA2 is very damn good. it's better to play MGA1 first but it's not obligatory.

all the MG spin offs had a different genre.

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Don't tell me you never used the teleporters user.

but the meat of Survive's gameplay is in salvage missions, alone or in coop. the story was...a little boring, but i liked the plot twist and Lawrence Fishburne.

I like the almost arcade feelings of the gameplay, and that the game actually is quite difficult.

the boss in Survive are pretty cool though.

One of the best MG spin offs for sure.

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Speaking of MG, pic related is the best spin off and non kojima games for me.
it's a better MG than 4, PW and V.

it's really fucking good i'm not meming.
ACID2 is third on my spin off list, MGRR is second in comparison.
Survive is alright but it's not one of the best spin offs.

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Game isn't really difficult though, you're just severely gimped cause you're not BB. Combat is boring too, it's got no balance and the tools you can use are either useless or OP. there's no in-between. the dripfeed of unlocks just fucking kills me too
If they got that shit right this game would've been LP3 in my heart but there's so many big shortcomings