Command & Conquer series appreciation thread.
Command & Conquer series appreciation thread
appreciate this
NOD best faction
Jamming to this once a week in the least.
That's a weird way to spell GDI buddy....
Rest in peace, Command and Conquer. Can't even make it to ten posts anymore.
Laserfags get the rope
>playing Renegade
>people say you can do a pixel-perfect jump to dodge the laser
I think they were lying
It's probably going to be all over the board in a few months after the Remaster releases to be honest.
You could actually do this. It was really difficult though, and most likely ended in your death anyways.
What happened to pic related? Why was it cancelled?
Obligatory post for every C&C thread
Two things. EA said it didn't meet internal standards. There's also the fact that they were doing a lot of shit with Battlefield at the time, and EA has cancelled numerous games -- especially from Westwood -- because they might "compete" with IPs owned by EA, which is just fucking retarded anyways since EA owns the companies and gets the revenue either way.
Didn't know about this, absolutely based.
Finally a thread where i can post this .gif
They could totally reboot this franchise after the remaster. Updated for the modern day. Play up how Nod saves everyone from nihilism, from poverty, from lack of purpose, from debt-slavery. Are you a sub-90 IQ dumbo with unpayable student debt? Join nod, drive a harvester. Intersperse with clips of Alex Jones bitching about the Globalists and how GDI represents the coming world government.
Management hell, then taken out back and shot. Was a long write-up about what happened on gamasutra I think.
Kane was ahead of his time.
Thanks man, if someone hadn't already posted it, I would have.
Every C&C fan needs to watch that.
>not posting the webm
add it to your collection user
Fukken saved.
This sound was plagueing my dreams for so long for some reason.
Thank you user, i will use it to spread Kane's word
Post your C&C reboot pitch, GO!
A third timeline would be a-okay in my book. But no idea where it could diverge.
Unit lost.
Generals by the way of Red Alert, with China as the weird 80's spy novella villain country, Allies as the Allies and GLA trying to steal everyones tech to create the Futuretech Caliphate or whatever
Frankly i just want more CnC
Speaking of Generals, I'm amazed that they managed to at least get the reporter guy to do his lines for the GLA campaign in Zero Hour. Hell I'm amazed at Generals being a thing with GLA.
>hire an Arabic guy who can speak English and make him say good propaganda about fictional Al-Qaeda
i appreciate it
The entire GLA campaing sounds like a fever dream, stealing relief aid from poor villagers, starting riots, nuking the shit out of China and the US, biological weapons, slaves. Hell two of your upgrades were shoes for your slaves and Ak's for the mob.
Also, i never forget how much the US jobbed in both Generals. They got their shit punched in every single campaing including 90% of their own
I'd just obtusely merge the Tiberium and RA timelines. GDI and Allies, with walkers mixed with high tech shit like prisms and weather control bullcrap, Tanya and GDI Commando fusion, Nod and Soviets acting as as a cool Soviet insurgence with a mix of weird spider-like units like Stingrays and Sickles and more down to earth tanks, Natasha made into a big cyborg and Boris as the 'normal' Soviet/Nod hero. Then when the expansion reveals Yuri as the CEO of Futuretech and is up to his old mind control tricks, complying with GDI and NOD, playing both sides and subtly planting Psychic Dominators around the world. His faction combines elements of Yuri, Futuretech, and Empire, his MCV also flies, the theme is a round. white, and clean, but crushing corporate aesthetic, an example being the Slave Miner, cleaned up and given a perky voice while you see slaves mine for Tiberium. His hero is Yuriko Omega, but not a schoolgirl. Then maybe a Forgotten/GLA faction get put in there somewhere.