What do you think about the newest James and Mike Monday?

Also, thoughts on Mike?

Attached: Mike.jpg (512x512, 38.83K)

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I'll never forget the Elmo video where Mike spends the entire day in pajamas within Jame's empty home watching the Elmo movie that James probably bought for his daughter. The slow transition from day to night made apparent by the windows showing that he was there all fucking day. What a surreal experience.



fuck off mike

he tries to scrub it along with Minecraft With Gadget, but if you search "mike matei elmo in grouchland" I'm sure it'll come up

What is wrong with reviewing elmo in grouchland?


Comedy like this ages like the finest wine

this is miles worse than the grouchland video. christ.

What are you talking about, its hilarious.

*Mike and James

pleb this is kino

Attached: minecrap.webm (248x372, 80.49K)

*Mike Mondays (Guest staring Jame Rolfe)

Mike is actually old school AVGN, and much better than the screenwave crew.

Fuck off Mike

>90 minutes
what the fuck

Attached: 1581548426336.jpg (280x310, 13.44K)

DAE find these to be as fucking hilarious as me? These are Fateful Findings tier of so bad its good comedy.


I've been doing impressions of Minecraft With Gadget consistently in my daily life for years now, and I will never stop


Mike killed a woman

Mike is so ugly and obviously suffers from autism or asspergers or some other retard disease.

I can't believe he was here with us all this time

For everything that is repulsive about Mike, he is still leagues better than the Screenwave fatties.

>i thought i pushed A

No fuck off, silvermania will always be funnier and way more entertaining than any shit james n mike ever did.


WTF Mike is based now!?!?


Fuck off Screenwave fatso

My sister's kids thought it was funny as hell when I would bust out a "I LOVE TO BUILD BROWN BRICKS WITH MINECRAP" or "I'M HAVING A LAWT OF FUN".

James is so uninterested that it's unwatchable. He doesn't give a single fuck anymore

I'm 8 minutes in. How is this fun? James knows nothing about games and is terrible at them. Mike is knowledgeable and good enough, but his personality is just okay. It's not amazing. He's not carrying the video with his personality. How do people watch this?

oh god I just got to the part where james gets to world 4 and says he's in a floating like level and mike is like yea an auto scroller. James doesn't know the term autoscroller.

Nobody likes you Mike. Your gf is a crusty used up whore who used you for clicks and clout and untop of that she is ugly and has the body of a boy that gross gamer girl smells like she has fart stains in her pants. You are a ugly talentless nobody , you smell like shit, nobody likes you, you are mentally slow you have some special ed condition and you are a boomer old faggot that sucks at video games. Nobody wants to watch your shitty twitch channel where some 50 year old looking manchild does pee wee herwin impersonation for 2$ donations like a prostitute. Reevaluate your pathetic life you fucking retarded nobody.

Started off pretty good, but it really didn't need to be almost 4 minutes long. Hell, I got the point like 20 seconds in. He just starts rambling at a certain point.

>let’s race to see who can beat this faster
>James presses wrong button and fucked up the race
>”okay we’re not racing” -mike


James never cared that much for videogames. The whole AVGN thing was supposed to stop at the Karate Kid video.

Mike asks james a question and james sounds like he is a kid in school who doesn't know the answer and just starts bullshitting an answer