47yo got my first game Console Holy FUCK

So, as a kid I was to poor to ever afford a gaming console, back then if I remember Atari was the shit, and used to play at friends houses, Space Invaders was my favorite. I used to go gaming arcades all the time, would even sell candy at school so I could afford to play. Galaga and Cenepede were my go to games, along with this really realistic for the time driving game (can't remember, early dementia maybe). Over the years I always thought about getting a console, but was to busy with all sorts of other hobbies and they are pretty pricey. Another reason I have avoided getting a console, I have quite the addictive personality, I'm a recovery 20 years from drugs and alcohol. When I get obsessed with something I get Coco for Cocoa puffs about it. Knowing me I figured I'd start playing one of these and never put it down, stop going to work, lose my job, girlfriend and dog. Well Covid-19 comes along and I'm bored as fuck, only so much Netflix to watch, and staring at my phone is hurting my eyes. Researched consoles and choose an Xbox, Best Buy had the X on sale with Jedi Fallen order. Do I want to be a Jedi? Oh hell yeah! So, ordered and all I can say is HOLY MOTHER OF GOD games have come a long way! Graphics are absolutely beautiful. sound is killer. Story is super cool, you feel like your playing ca game and watching a movie at same time. And the adrenaline I get, my hands get so sweaty and I have to take breaks every 15-20 minutes. You kids that have been playing these games since your little, I feel bad because you probably don't realize how absolutely fucking amazing these things are. Yes, it's hard as hell to figure out the buttons sometimes and I start screaming so loud out of frustration my dogs leave the room. Yes, I didn't need to spend 300 on a game right now. Yes, I'm not getting other shit done like showering. But it's awesome and I totally feel like a little kid again. Gotta figure out next game I wanna get, maybe Mario Cart or some other driving game

Attached: xbox-one-x-image2.jpg (1024x682, 60.55K)

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go back to Redit


Thats awesome OP, just don't linger here too long or you'll become bitter an unappeasable like the rest of us.
Go enjoy!

I knew it

holy mother of cringe. why is reddit like this?

How is it so easy to spot this?

sweet bro

kill me

>How is it so easy to spot this?

Because it doesn't follow the posting style or audience of Yas Forums whatsoever? congratulations on your basic, dog-level pattern recognition skill

Now this is the story all about how
My life got flipped, turned upside down
And I'd like to take a minute just sit right there
I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel-air

In west Philadelphia born and raised
On the playground where I spent most of my days
Chilling out, maxing, relaxing all cool
And all shooting some b-ball outside of the school
When a couple of guys, they were up to no good
Started making trouble in my neighbourhood
I got in one little fight and my mom got scared
And said "You're moving with your auntie and uncle in Bel-air"

I whistled for a cab and when it came near the
License plate said "fresh" and had a dice in the mirror
If anything I could say that this cab was rare
But I thought nah, forget it, yo homes to Bel-air!

I pulled up to a house about seven or eight
And I yelled to the cabby "Yo, homes smell you later!"
Looked at my kingdom I was finally there
To sit on my throne as the prince of Bel-air

So you'd accuse anyone who doesn't conform to the 4channel posting style to be from rebbit huh

47 year old people don't appear on Yas Forums with an innocuous, out of place posting style

congratulations on your sub-dog-level reasoning skills, i guess.

Tbh it looked more like copy pasta not a reddit post, the exclamation points, the enthusiasm, "cart", sounding like an old boomer. It looks like someones first post on the internet.

>Mario cart
Fuck boomers are funny

Attached: 1574239868453.gif (500x458, 98.41K)

>47 year old people don't appear on Yas Forums with an innocuous, out of place posting style
Get a load of this retard

Yes. 4channel is a closed society with its strict rules. This includes words you can use, memes and posting style. Outsiders are despised because their disrespect to said rules and cancerous memes they bring in

Yas Forums is cancer incarnate

>Edit: wow this blew up, first gold, silver, and other stuff, sweet! Thank you so much! To many comments to reply to but I've been reading them all. And someone who wants to remain anonymous gifted me with 3 months of Ultimate, super nice!

>Edit 2: wow, this is nuts! So many awesome comments, enjoy reading them all! gotten even more offers for subscriptions, someone from EA Sports gifted me a year subscription!
Oh, and my noob self didn't know Mario Kart (not Cart) isn't on Xbox, oh well lol.

happy reddit repost day everyone

Well, this thread is useless, but for a player who has never played anything and has zero knowledge, the Xbox One + Gamepass is definitely the best deal. I bought Animal Crossing for Nintendo Switch and for the same price I would pay 2 years of Microsoft Gamepass in my country...

Why Yas Forums hates Reddit again?

people on reddit type every post like they're giving a performance or some shit

someone post nudes

have dilate

we all use it really, its just a meme.

I think this is what it boils down to and that the reddit platform actively discourages wrong-think. I can't get behind the idea of organizing comments based on upboats. It's like some kind of gimmicky social credit system.

That's what we have to single out the newfags and raiders among other things

someone post nudes!!!!!

If Yas Forums is cancer incarnate, Reddit is aids incarnate. One is curable, the other isn't.

You posted cringe OP

That depends on what you define as cancer. To most people here normie herd is as cancerous as the EGS.

wow this is cringe as fuck my dude.

3dpd is cancer. Fuck off newfag. Am I fitting in yet?

yes, now go the fuck back