Lives in a giant mansion with a swimming pool

>lives in a giant mansion with a swimming pool
>has a loving Doc Brown grandad
>has his own maid and butler who act like surrogate parents to him
>his actual parents dote on him whenever they're not working
>uncle is a professional racecar driver
>has several token friends who look like Burger King Kids Club rejects
>gets to go on adventures with Sonic the Hedgehog and his friends
>still complains that his life sucks

Attached: 300px-Christopher_Thorndyke.png (300x226, 83.21K)

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he sounds like a harem protag when you put it like that

Reminder that Helen should've been the obligatory human companion

Would Chris work as a villain in sonic?
>Uses Golden Mechas to fight sonic and friends

I skipped Sonic X cause Chris looks retarded and too kid friendly for an action packed series.

Why does he look like Sora?
>Kingdom Hearts came out in 2002
>Sonic X came out in 2003
A year seems like too short a time for them to have ripped the design.
Did somebody from Square fucking leak the design to Sega or something?

Have you ever wondered why his life is a lot like how Chris-chan portrayed himself in Sonichu? He was rich and practically a god but he still wasn't satisfied because he didn't' have a boyfriend free girl. I swear to god it's almost like the japs were aware of the sagas.

ooh ah ting tang walla walla bing bang!

Well Chris has always been known to be easily influenced by entertainment media and the character having the same name as him probably enables him to think more into his dimension merge shit

hi pan
still masturbatung and crying after getting cucked by the ruby gloom girl?

Sonic X was so fucking bad.

What an unfortunate last name.

Attached: Jafar reaction.jpg (349x314, 10.26K)

It had kino moments but the animation sucked alot of the time

Reminder thst 4kids took out Live and Learn from the SA2 adaptation finale

Gets to mess around with Amy Rose, big busty Rouge, and Gets to see Amy in that maid outfit. Pure harem protag


I never watched it back then because I thought it was lame, I watched some episodes recently and confirmed it. And the ending, holy shit, only a retard would like that.

Spikish brown hair but not silly to the point where you can recognize the hair's silhouette like Cloud, actually Sora is kinda halfway there, this is just normal spiky.

If he gets to fuck Rouge he should have no problems with life or he's truly too demanding to live.

Show was shit but the intro was kino.

You now reminded me he existed you son of a bitch.

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I always found it fascinating that this anime was supposed to be white people instead of Japs that look white like most anime.They also had the most stereotypical Asian looking butler who literally was a karate expert, and a mexican maid who was most likely undocumented. I mean...I guess that's diversity?

Well, Sonic is an American after all

Attached: nationalanthem.png (720x523, 485.9K)

does chris know that he shares the same name as him?

4kids was alright at times. I'm glad it existed and I was born early enough to experience it.

He was the worst part of Sonic X.

4kids have almost universally been garbage when it comes to music
I'm still mad at how badly they butchered the Yugioh soundtrack

You didn't miss anything, it was fucking TERRIBLE
The only sort of passable parts were when it was direct adaptations of the games or that one episode where Eggman goes full Mr Burns and tries to Jew everyone by blocking the Sun with the moon

Should have kept the furry world from the pilot

Going by that logic, are the Winx club girls Jeannies or whatever female Guidos are called?

[Begins to sing offkey] "God bless Americcaaa, land of the freeee... and the home of the brave..."

I guess I'll use my trusty frying pan, as a JELLY DOUGHNUT

Why doesn't someone just cut all of the filler and garbage parts out of sonic X to make it alright

Because then you'd get like six minutes of Eggman and a 12 year old girl getting shot to death

I have such fucking nostalgia for this song.
I barely remember anything about the show, though.
I strongly feel like watching it, but I've heard so many times about how shit it is.