Are they the last important franchise needed for Smash?

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First-party side of general? Because there is a shit ton of third-parties missing.

Define important 1st party?

Out of Nintendo IPs, there's a few others you could make a case for like Golden Sun or Custom Robo, but RH is the biggest one. With third parties there's a lot of potential series but not really any that make the game feel incomplete without them.

yeah first party

Come on Sakurai give him a shot

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>Chorus Faggots
No thanks

Ward is The biggest Nintendo IP with no playable characters, it has 12 games.


Wars got cucked by Fire Emblem, the same way F-Zero got cucked by Mario Kart.

is chibi robo important

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Kill yourself zoomer, Fire Emblem wouldn't even exist without Wars.

>Rhythm Heaven
>Golden Sun
>Custom Robo
>Chibi Robo
What else am I missing

If Rhythm Heaven's the most important franchise needed for Smash, there is no important franchise needed for Smash.

>reading comprehension
user, you both have the same idea, from what I can tell.

Otakon wouldn’t exist without Huey yet he still cucked him


Mario Kart, Mario Party, Mario Strikers, Mario Tennis, Mario Golf

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Huey deserved to be cucked though.

War died by itself. Days of Ruins came out even before Shadow Dragon, so it died around the time where FE was doing pretty badly too.

Mario's already in the game

even a fucking stage that contorts itself to the beat of the music would be enough, fucking christ would that be too much to ask? is that dev time really needed more for 15 fucking FE reps and their all nearly identical stages?

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Sin & Punishment

lol they look like wojaks

So why'd they choose to spare FE over Wars?

Awakening was their absolute last chance, had that game underperformed yet again the franchise would have been done. The Casual Mode and marriage systems were what saved FE.

Actually. It got cucked by fucking WiiFit. F-Zero and WiiFit have the same staff.

>needed for Smash

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more room for waifuisms is the cynical answer but realistically its probably just that fantasy is more appealing than realistic war shit
its probably why modding for elder scrolls games is always more popular than fallout ones, the fantasy setting is just more enthralling to most people

Kill yourself Facebook Frog.