Battletoads remake looking good

battletoads remake looking good

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Yas Forums here y'all just hate everything new. The remake looks fine to me.

>Yas Forums here
So stop being here. There isn't a single board here with worse tastes than you.

Back to Yas Forumsmblr with you

It looks like a flash cartoon from 2009. I know it would've been too hard to animate it exactly like the old promotional art, but wft.

Not everything sucks you idiot. The game isn't even out stop judging it.

There is no purer mixture of chris-chan tier autists and tumblr than Yas Forums. Truly the saddest board on Yas Forums.

REAL Yas Forumsmade here.
This design is kiddy and amateur, not to mention the censorship.
Stop falseflagging

Why couldn't they just have the shovel knight team work on it?

Bland as fuck, looks like a mid-tier henchman

>Yas Forums here

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Thats v

No it doesn't.

Those are all me actually, even the people in the background who have nothing to do with it

her design is fucking garbage
how do you even defend this

Does anybody actually care?
Game was boring af and only remembered because of muh turbo tunnel.
Inb4 the dead gamestop memes

So that's what happened to Shezow!?

I do. Battletoads was one of the best games on nes and it still holds up today.

I remember the gameplay looking like absolute fucking shit but I sorta dig that design.

Yeah, aside from a few bad spots it holds up really well.

>I POST ON Yas Forums

it's funny how easy it is to spot the underage

You don't. You don't even fight over it because doing so is a waste of breath and personal time. Does it matter if they toned down her sex appeal to reach modern audiences that don't want Playgirl bunnies as characters?

Besides the only people who argue over it are Coomers and trolls baiting the coomers.

Me too Yas Forums is just a bunch of rejects that criticize everything.

I warned you fags that that when it was first announced they were hiring people to work on the game they had no team yet, you could have stopped this

I hope it bombs.
And I hope Yas Forumsmblr gets nuked.

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Ture. Yas Forums has been a nasty combo of tumblr/reddit refugees and twitter trannies that get snarky with you if you dislike anything in the slightest.

Imagine being such a flaming faggot you actually try to represent some shitty board, also

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yes, because let's be real, people who would want battletoads, are gonna be JUST fans of the original games, new audiences will NEVER be for this game, even if this is its first exposure to it.

NO ONE other than fans of the original and the preorder dude wanted a sequel to Battletoads, and THIS is what those fans ended up getting, so yeah, you can shove your stupid COOM meme up your ass.

Can't even show skin nowadays? Remember when the game industry mocked puritans ?

If only...

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wow, male gaze much?

And you best believe I'm staring

The fuck did they do to her? This is unacceptable...

i can't wait to see you cry into despair once the SJWs destroy the things you actually love thanks to your stupid memes.

Just like us, you and your ilk will NEVER escape.

How did they think this was a good idea?

Attached: battletoads.jpg (1280x720, 220.16K)

>Male Gaze
How fucking zoomer and sjw can you make yourself out to be?

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The reveal of the new (presumably) Dark Queen design was amazing because it was the first time I saw even normalfags and a lot of women express their displeasure over it.

Usually when a female character get's massively redesigned and "desexualized" you have a ton of nu-males and whaman come out to defend it while shitting on the fans. This didn't happen at all in this case, everyone was totally on board with how bad the redesign was.

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is that true? i mean its nice that people realize, but is that really true?

also, what i loved about this reveal is the fact that they went out of their way as to not let people to check how she looked unless you pause, like that they really believed people wouldnt notice.

you have the trailer shot from OP's pic, and then you have this poster where she appears too as a REALLY tiny but still noticeable dot on the image.

Anyone have the picture of "what Yas Forums thinks it is" and "what Yas Forums" really is?

I've browsed that board for 12 years and the amount which it used to jerk itself off was disgusting.

>"Yas Forums has better ___ threads than /_/!"