Three Houses shows how coombrained some faggots will go to defend their waifu

Three Houses shows how coombrained some faggots will go to defend their waifu.

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This post was obviously made by a blue lions fag.

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t. Rheafag

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Nah, anyone who's played any other routes hates her. Her goals and methods are so fucking retarded.

>introduce a protagonist with interesting moral complexity who's pursuing a noble goal (social revolution) through distasteful means, just like many real-world figures who are now revered as founders of their country
>FEfags raised for years on a diet of shonen-anime-level moral complexity in a game about war immediately begin seething because their pea brains can't understand why people might find a more complex take on morality in a WAR game interesting

With your cum covered edelgard body pillow maybe.

Arguing cross-routes is retarded because the routes adjust the morality of what's going on to cast the protagonist of that route in the best possible light.

She would have been a pretty good character if they wouldn't have tried to go the whole "She didn't do nothing route" Just make her the type to get to goals no matter what and she would have been 100% better
>>introduce a protagonist with interesting moral complexity who's pursuing a noble goal (social revolution) through distasteful means, just like many real-world figures who are now revered as founders of their country
Problem here is they play it off like she did nothing bad at all and she acts like she has done nothing bad.

That'd make more sense if 3H had a single attractive female design. Instead everyone looks like a soulless naruto character with the weird rashigan eyes

>Problem here is they play it off like she did nothing bad at all
Does this argument really make sense when you're given the choice to side with or against her?

Yes becuase she still plays it off like she did nothing wrong, it maybe she acted more like she knew what she was doing wrong, but wanted to get to her end goal no matter what then sure.

IMO in cf It's less "she didn't do nothing wrong" and more about "who cares if it's morally wrong she created peace in the end anyway" angle

Her fans on the other hand...

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She's never portrayed as being happy about cooperating with the slitherers, she just views it as a necessary evil to taking out Rhea, whom she (rightly or wrongly) views as the greatest threat to human progress. I think it's entirely reasonable for her to not do much soul-searching over getting people killed, as constant warfare was absolutely mundane for similar real-world societies.Like, at that point you might as well argue why the game isn't delving into the trauma of a bunch of literal 16-year-olds being sent out into combat to butcher enemies by the dozen.

says more about the quality of the other 2 routes that black eagles is the best one desu

Nah, only if you want to play as the "bad guys" of the story and claim you're misunderstood.

edelgard in real life would be a nigger while all of reddit would shout "free my nigga edelgard, she didntdonuthin"

go back

Shut the fuck up and post fanart of Edelgard being batshit insane.
And no, it's not my fault that nobody bothers to actually draw any art with Edelgard as anything besides "cute waifu".

As a coomer I'm insulted by the comparison to Edeltards. This game is rife with top tier anime tits, ass, and cunny why would I settle.

Why are impotent gayfags so annoying?

who cares she cool

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Rent free baby.

Edelgard did bad things, but ultimately is responsible for every route's good ending.

OP, your problem is not Edelgard.

The reason you so profoundly seethe at the mere sight of her has nothing to with her actions, or her character in the game.
The reality is, inner self-pity. You refuse to stand up for yourself. You refuse to believe in yourself and strive for something greater. That is what Edelgard embodies and you subconsciously object improving upon yourself. This is why your hatred for her is so great compared to anybody else, despite her being a completely fictional character with having practically no real impact on your life.

You just hate yourself.
So think before you get worked up over an innocent discussion about Edelgard and look in the mirror at your own self and perhaps you might find what's really holding you back.

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Because they ruined cute twinks like Yuri and Linhardt post- timeskip by turning them into masculine men

The morality of the whole game is based on you the protagonist. The protagonist and his/her allies are the morally just of their routes.
Plus people can change their morality depending on their situation.

You know, this game would've been a lot better without the obviously-evil dudes of the Slitherers. Like, you just needed a big war between the Kingdom and the Empire, you don't need to bring the ancient technology cultist conspiracy into it. Ambition, hatred and powerlust is a good enough reason to kill people.

nah you're just a faggot. I hope this is copypasta because it would be cringe if it wasn't

>social revolution
Only counter-revolutions are good, because it's inverting the bad back into being good while social revolutions aim at turning the good into bad.

Dmitri/Claudefags literally do not have an answer when you present the irrefutable truth that any social revolution they're able to implement would not have been possible without Edelgard's war

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I think the problem is that she betrays LITERALLY EVERYONE, and plots to kill her classmates despite knowing them for a year. That's genuine sociopath shit. Also, she's completely unrepentant about collateral damage. Getting Byleth's Dad killed for no reason at all is just one example.