Be brutally honest Yas Forums, can this franchise be unfucked at this point? Or is it just better the let it fester away.
Be brutally honest Yas Forums, can this franchise be unfucked at this point...
masuda is too far gone at this point
Yes, just redo all the road, all of the plot, all animations and add back all pokémons. Easy bro.
>tfw didn't fall for the new bad old good meme
feels good
needs too many things that are improbable to happen to get back on track
>masuda and ohmori need to be stripped of creative and directional control
>ishihara and TPC need to let GF at least try to make games without the pressure of yearly installments fucking up their already pitiful team
>players need to be less willing to eat shit and greedily ask for more every february
it's just not viable. the last one *almost* happened, but all the retards saying they were done ended up first in line to buy in november
I’m aware SwoShi is a lost cause, I’m asking if there’s a chance going forward.
it's just like the animal crossing franchise. the good days are gone bro, you have to move on.
With 3D no, gamefreak just can't.
We'll see how they handle the Gen 4 remakes. I'm calling that a major feature like the Underground will either be gutted or gone entirely and the Battle Frontier will be replaced with a battle tree.
Pokemon sucked after the 3ds, game looks worse than Battle Revolution baka
>Battle Frontier will be replaced with a battle tree.
Nerfed tower from Piss and shit will carry over and they'll contrive Dynamax into it.
>After the 3DS
You mean after the DS. XY is where things started to really wrong and every game afterwards just got worse and worse.
Yes just get anyone but gf and fix the damn stat mechanism so we can add our own stats with out being penalized
X and Y were the B2W2 of the Pokemon franchise. Don't talk shit about it.
Get rid of Ohmori and make Masuda go back to making music instead of directing.
>X and Y were the B2W2 of the Pokemon franchise
imagine actually believing this
Yes, just compare any game Nintendo made to the GF trash.
>imagine actually believing this
Fucking hell. I never thought I would read something this fucking retarded and so blatantly wrong about Pokémon
>that list
Has ohmori made a single good thing ever?
For Pokemon to live, Masuda must die.
>Has 6 titles under his belt
>None of them are good or even fondly remembered
Holy shit fire the took, he's clearly useless
Can it? Sure, nothing is unsalvageable.
The question is WILL it happen? Probably not. Pokémon is suffering from Sonic syndrome now, i.e. the fanbase has no fucking clue what it wants, and any attempt to please it will only result in screeching from somewhere.
That's not to say that the fanbase is the game's only problem, far from it. It's merely a result of the direction Pokémon has gone in.
no. he's from a new era
he wants the series to be more VN-like, and masuda has his back 100%
To nintendo it isn't fucked because it still prints money
But no, for the average player this game is forever ruined and soon all the normal nigger and trannies will realise it isn't good and then they'll leave this corpse of a franchise. They come in, expect it to cater to them, drive the orignal fans off, then they leave
Easily the problem is they don't know what their playerbase actually wants.
If they put less effort into curry that no one cares for and put that time into polish/other features like hyper training, a better PSS (gen 5-6), and more pokemon then the game would feel a lot better.
There's other big issues like the 20 minute battle timer for 6v6 that stings competitive players who don't care for ranked for absolutely no reason, and the lack of national dex.
Truth is i don't think anybody actually gives a shit about map layout, frontier, or graphics at the end of the day, they just want a game that feels good when the main story is done (which SwSh fucked up on with less pokemon, hurting online battles, and shitty online system making replayability feel less satisfying after the literal who cares exploration and story is done.)
Let it die.
Masuda needs to get his head out his ass and let Monolith help them. Masuda is the producer meaning he he IS the one not hiring more talent and denying assistance.
>he wants the series to be more VN-like
What the fuck?
I don't see why not
>he wants the series to be more VN-like
so that means date-sim function to future pokemon games soon right?
SWSH sold something like 16 million in its first month, probably 20 million by now. The fans who are angry will be ignored because GF obviously knows they don't need them. Any attempt to change this course is pointless, your only options are to jump ship or stay.
Oh, I never meant to imply that the series would sell poorly at any point. I'm only saying that now, even if the series gets better, the fanbase is just gonna get worse and worse, because the vicious cycle of internal warring has begun. It's always been there to some extent, but never as much as it is now, and it's probably gonna take 10+ years before the fanbase is chill again.
>Easily the problem is they don't know what their playerbase actually wants.
The don't even understand how to foster a competitive scene either. Official competitive Pokemon uses a doubles format, yet the vast majority of battles within the franchise are single battles.
Anyway, one of the BIGGEST problems is how the online component of the latest game have less features than previous ones and overall are fucking dogshit. Y-Comm is an abortion, the majority of the GTS was gutted and put behind a paywall on an external application. You'll be getting stale notifications for raids and other events that are already over. The option to refresh is almost always missing without any explanation. The trade system uses a fucking four number combination, which would work for a smaller game, but this is the most profitable franchise on the planet. 10,000 codes means that you have to hop a few codes or you're getting trades with randoms instead of the person you want. This isn't even talking about other aspects of the online, where the raid lobby system is fucking dogshit and either finds people or never does, and if you do find somebody you can't kick out a dickhead that will be spamming Earthquake to teamkill everybody.
Man, fuck how this franchise has become.