Risk of Rain

fuck providence host when

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This is your new desk plant. Say something nice about it.

Attached: water me.png (128x128, 11.08K)


Attached: Loader_players_have_small_brains.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

Attached: a reminder.png (960x500, 53.17K)

You'll fit nicely into my Recycler.

Attached: Recycler.png (128x128, 13.16K)

i loved ror1, but i'm not sure about the style of ror2
sell it to me

3d is fun, it's literally another dimension to work with.

Attached: Plains4.png (1318x2220, 184.09K)

how well is "million enemies on the screen with explosions and laser and shieeeet" everywhere implemented in 3d?

There's new music and it's good.
Also new blue items make up for fun builds.
It's just a bit different and we like it without needing to compare it to the first one, just enjoy.

I just unlocked Acrid!
I like him!
They made him goofy and cute compared to 1!

Attached: 1586669154500.png (1280x960, 420.25K)

It's very good when runs are under ~180 minutes.
After that there's a very high risk of crashing.

go to bed wolbu

Why yes I DO like to COOM.


Acrid has a voice and I love it, I wish hopoo would give sound effects for the other survivors too.
He's a good boy.

It's very cute.

Closed. One day we'll get that alt ending clear.

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Eh, I liked brutish, heavy and more beast-like Acrid from 1 a lot better. He's just a walking dog now.

>tfw you realize that you should've taken tougher times because even 7 gives you 50% damage reduction

Just submitted Turbo Edition to Rainfusion, now what do I do

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>how do i bandit?

just a reminder there's a good amount of suggested mods listed in the ten man pastebin


I have failed you /rorg/

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>difficulty cropped out
don't think im not onto you, drizzlet

Hosted Risky 2 and only 5 ppl joined so there's no point.

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people are already tired of risky 2

Maybe ror1 is the better game after all

Were you the one with that cancerous enemies with items mod that seems to break like at least once every game?

I'm a rainstorm casual

Attached: Ded2.png (1541x589, 597.49K)

Sorry that you're a shitter who can't play against more challenging enemies, maybe try drizzle with command.
Enemies with Items didn't break the game, it was mainly lag caused by my roommate having multiple streams up trying to fucking get a key for CS Goverwatch, just found out now after the previous room told me there was lag.

Attached: 1554779356686.gif (500x459, 604.72K)

Maybe try not being gay and you'll have more people join.

Host notice: Starstorm updated

How the fuck do you get her challenges done on monsoon? Just get lucky?

It also fixes the bug that made Turbo Edition items not show up in Tab Menu