>playing ff7 remake
>not playing the superior OG version with CRT shader and scanlines
maximum OOF son
>playing ff7 remake
>not playing the superior OG version with CRT shader and scanlines
maximum OOF son
>Not having a PVM
Absolute cringe
>not playing ANT
Giga oopsie poopsy
Why didn't Sephiroth let go of his sword once he realized what Cloud was doing before he going thrown in the mako soup
the fuck you talking about
>he doesn't know
Zoom Zoom
I came here to say I played this shit through five times back in the day, 100%ed it twice, tried to apeedeun it before speedrunning was a thing due to rumors that you could save aerith by getting to the end of disc 2 in under seven hours. But now I’m just here to laugh at
>That feeling when /vr/ just calls them a meme at this point
I used a very good CRT for decades before moving to my 20M4U. It was a great buy. Posted this on /vr/ a couple days back. They told me that using underscan was a bad idea because it uses the screen unevenly, so I haven't used that since. Been binging Megaman Legends on it and have been having a blast.
>falling for pvmemes
>Liking CRT and scanline
So do you like being blind or what? when you play modern games do you turn motion blur and film grain to 100% too? I genuinely do not unterstand how anyone could think this looks good even for nostalgia. I always HATED seeing the scanlines and pixels on crts as a kid. Crisp accurate graphics are much better than fuzzy shit that you fags pretend to like for internet elite points
based retard
>Adding CRT shader and scanlines
Top tier autism.
I'm probably older than you roflmao, just because I don't buy CRT monitors you think you are superior, cope harder cucks
im playing the translated ps1 version, the pc/steam port is an abomination that crashes all the time.
Left looks like shit.
You can actually see the detail on the right.
are you fucking blind? get some glasses
I've been trying to patch my game for hours but xdelta keeps giving me errors, how the fuck did you do it
Right completely ruins the look of the graphics. All the subtle shading is completely lost, based retard.
change the .bin file to an .iso
What are you going to do instead? Play with some trash like Remako installed? Gross.
>I don't buy CRT monitors you think you are superior,
CRT's are superior in a number of ways. This is irrefutable
>game designed with CRT and scanlines
the absolute state of zoomers
I was playing a couple of minutes ago on switch but the game suddenly crashed after an hour of farming the triceratops tank for money. How do I recover from this?
I still have the psone with the built in flip screen so I'm good senpai. FFtactics soon and pizza for maximum comfy.
I hope you didn't pay more than $20 for that thing
I already have a great CRT, and wanted an upgrade. It's not that i think that looks bad, but I've had a consumer CRT that looks like that for decades and wanted an upgrade. RGB is a dream.
how would I do that exactly? do I need a program like magic iso?
what emulator and filter?
Literally just rename the file, that's all you need to do. I was fucked over by the same problem because I thought it couldn't be that simple.
Just use retroarch, there are a ton of great CRT shaders included that you can use across most of the emulators.
I renamed it and it is still not working
xdelta3: target window checksum mismatch: XD3_INVALID_INPUT
Are you Fucking Retarded You Emulation can do the same thing
that IS emulated, you stupid nigger
>retard can't read
Ameriturds, look at them.
No is not you retarded Trannies Shop Off your Dick and Put your Brains on the walls.
I'm playing OG after finishing remake and I have to say I'm really glad jrpg's arent like this anymore, the Strategy Guide era of rpg's is fucking cancer
Oh no, it's retarded.
nigga I'm OP I literally made the screenshot from epsxe
It literally looks like that on my switch, through emulation with retroarch. Are you ESL? You aren't supposed to capitalize random words in your sentences.
CRT shaders look like shit on resolutions below 1440p.
>Are you Fucking Retarded
>You Emulation can do the same thing
careful, mentioning OG FF7 makes trannies and zoomers seethe hard
I keep seeing this complaint on here and others like it saying FFVII is literally unplayable and too cryptic.
Are these people just stupid?
He was dumbfounded by Clouds retard strength.
>CRT shaders look like shit
respectfully disagree
>not playing it on an even more superior real crt
>main goal of gamers during the CRT era was doing anything and spending thousands to get a non-crt quality picture
>main goal of retarded zoomers is to degrade the picture as much as possible to play make believe pretend that they're back in the 90's
OP never said anything about Emulation so, now chop off your sissy penis and Brains on the walls.
>cringe InceLED
>never said anything about emulation
what the fuck do you think can produce CRT shaders and scanlines you absolute inbred
A fucking TV.