The internet rants a lot about SJW stuff, why does Final Fantasy always get a pass when literally implying things like gender being just a social construct? Or the dig at Drumpf in FFXV where the literal Hillary character talks about fake news.
The internet rants a lot about SJW stuff...
Literally non of those things happen, you're making up your own context
do you have schizophrenia? just curious
>The internet rants a lot about SJW stuff
you mean Yas Forums redditors, fuck off don't give those retards attention.
It's OK when Japan does it.
Are you nuts? He literally refers to gender as just being notions and not a clear, scientific virtuality.
No, it's mostly normal people who are fed up with your globohomo propaganda shoehorned into everything these days. Grow up, stop posting until then.
FF7R couldn't be gayer if they literally replaced every gun with a dick.
He is literally talking about beauty. I swear, I knew it was obvious that the crossdressing scene (no matter how they handled it)would end up bringing a bunch of shitty bait threads from people who never played the games.
>you mean Yas Forums redditors, fuck off don't give those retards attention.
He is literally referring to gender as a bunch of notions. And FF is ridded with SJW shit anyway. Just look at that literal Hillary character in XV talking about "fake news" in her litle feminism city where only women work.
It's so cringe. And you are so stupid. Really wish you'd just get cancer, little fag boy. I'm sure you can still play gay JRPGs in hell plenty.
So these threads are just going to be made on repeat all day...
So lame, guess I'm going to filter this.
Because he's a goofy fag character that isn't praised in-game for being courageous about sucking dick. He's a mentally unstable eccentric and the game plays that straight (no pun intended)
What, putting an already feminine-looking homo in a dress and forcing the playr to watch a 15-minutes cutscene of him dancing would get some negative threads? No way.
Because that's how the original FF7 played out.
People ar emore ready to throw Nomura under the bus even though he didn't write the game.
Toriyama did Everyone should already know that alternate dimension and time fuckery is Toriyama's wheelhouse.
So if anyone is to blame for this plot ghosts it's Toriyama.
Also why are you bitching about this bi dude when they removed the gay body builder bath scene?
>He's a mentally unstable eccentric and the game plays that straight (no pun intended)
No it doesn't at all. He is literally praised by all the characters around him, similar to Dr. Frank in pic related with the difference being Dr. Frank is inherently abhorrent while that dude just looks like a gay Chad.
>FF is ridded with SJW shit anyway
>just get cancer, little fag boy
>you can still play gay JRPGs in hell
>People actually post like this and expect you to take them seriously in anyway.
This is why Yas Forums gets nothing done, if you can't communicate your points in a non-autistic sperging way people are always going to easily dismiss you
As opposed to him getting gang-raped in a hottub full of buff men in the original?
Face it, you people would've complained to matter what
Ok anons let's make bets on when this thing will an hero
Based user, don't give (you) to the undeserving
He's talking about beauty being genderless you obsessed nutcase. As in Cloud looks better as a girl than a guy because he's an androgynous bichie boy. Not anything about gender constructs.
People have been crossdressing for a long time user. Might do you some good to get your nose in an history book once in a while.
sjw transfag detected, gtfo cutting off your dick doesnt make you a woman
He says as he posts a picture of a tranny he actually saved.
It's satire you dumb fuck
Gender presentation is a social construct.
Sex is not.
Post like a normal person, not some underage memer if you want your shitposts to be readable.
So how much debt are you in getting that gender studies degree user
It's not getting a pass if people are complaining about it, like you are right now.
Biggs is gay too.
Army Corps of Engineering, sorry bro.
He says "beauty" doesn't have any notions of gender, which is true beauty is subjective. He never mentions his views on biological sex and gender identity so making assumptions is on you. His club workers have very different outfits based on gender so yeah, he's clearly acknowledges the gender binary.
Japs do gay people so well that even a fag hating dude like me can get behind.
Sylvano was the best.
Based Chad not giving them the (You)'s they crave.
Look, we're in a world where identity politics are trying to worm their way into anything in a forced attempt to normalize themselves.
I identify as male, I am biologically male, and I will be male until the day I die. And people who complain about being "Misgendered" need to go die in a hole.
This character shows up in the wake of wacky silly shit like fighting a house, and a dancing minigame. He comes off as batshit crazy, even if stable. They very strongly create a situation where you can choose whether to take what he says seriously, and I choose to interpret the whole crossdressing section as stupid silly bullshit, just like it was intended to be 23 years ago.
You complain about these "social justice warriors," but you can't seem to grow a spine of your own, either.
that was alpha as a tom of finland cartoon, dont know what youre on about
it has nothing to do with SJW politics cross dressing androgynous pretty boys have been a thing in Japan for decades.
Because i don't play trash games so I don't know about it.
Pushy faggot forces Cloud to dance around and wear a dress to save his friend and mentions something about gender not applying to something.
Who cares what this guy thinks, he's an asshole, so his opinion is invalid.
You can act dumber than you are all you want, SJWs referring to gender as mere "notions" isn't a new thing and exactly what is happening in this shit game, though.
It's the same thing, 90% of languages don't even have multiple words for sex and it happened only in very recent times that some fag decided to put his SJW spin on a literal synonym. Females and males have clearly distinct roles in all mammals.
Stop being a retard.
These people who make these threads don't even play JRPGs so they wouldn't know damn thing about them and just talk out of their asses.
I dunno about other final fantasy games but in ff7re the scene is shown in humorous way, cringey/over the top. Also the gay there is actual gay with some style, tasteful yet proud. If cloud wanted to disguise as a girl it made sense that he went to nearest ultra homo boss. While in other games/media there are forced gender swaps of heroes, sjw oneliners, ugly roasties insulting good looking people, forced, out-of-nowhere sjw opinions, faglords with iritating screeching voices depicted as badasses. And most of all, many of that propaganda appear in already established franchises. If you want your sjw soaked media atleast create something new, show your creativity and that you can hold up on your own instead of relying on something popular just to satisfy your attention whoring.
This. It was just some 2deep4u shit about beauty and he's right
But the entire game is gay, the character looks like a girl, all of them look like they come straight out of a hair salon and the dialogues are cringe-inducing?
>it has nothing to do with SJW politics
You are completely retarded like all weebs.
>t-they don't mean it this way
>in her litle feminism city where only women work.
>women do all the work while we get to sit around playing vidya all day
Why would you not want this?
Hey I remember this thread from yesterday. Are Yas Forums threads also just souless rehashes like the rest of the industry?