Games that aged like fucking milk

Games that aged like fucking milk.

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what a faggot you are

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Compared to BB, DaS and DaS3? It aged like milk. You can't deny the improvements of the other games and if you do you must be either blind or a bored contrarian.

except the actual game looks nothing like that its all blurry and washed out and run at 24fps

You forgot to say pic unrelated OP

I certainly did not.

still the best and most soulful souls game

Attached: scrap.jpg (1280x720, 99.14K)

pic unrelated

not with mods and 60fps. Pc wins again

lol what a fucking contrarian

that's why PC always wins

DeS > BB > DaS2 > DaS1 > DaS3


was this supposed to impress me?

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What a fucking contrarian, stop this fucking "it's the best because it's the first" meme you tasteless fuck

Demon's Souls legit plays better than Dark Souls 1.

someone got scrapped lmao

More like, aged like a month-old dead zebra in car during the summer.

In Bizarro World maybe.

i actually played dark souls 1 before DeS, missed on that game's invasions at their prime too which ill forever be butthurt about
but sure, im the tasteless one

No, in the real world.

No it really doesn’t, and you would have to be legitimately retarded to think that. The game is janky as fuck, I have yet to fight Flamelurker where he doesn’t get stuck on a piece of debris.

this. better animations and they aren't as clunky

Attached: m'lady.webm (778x420, 2.87M)

What is the point of this WEBM?

I literally Platinumed it last week, it's aged fine. The only part that hasn't is 5-2. 5-2 sucks

Games don't age

Demon's Souls is faster, the movesets are better with more utility, they have more interesting combos outside of mashing R1, and the game just handles better.

Go play an Atari game and say that again.

>nail invasions perfectly in demon's souls, letting invaders fucking grief people with the scraping spear, or soulsuck when someone's AFK
>proceed to neuter them in each subsequent game because reddit kept crying about invaders

not even gonna buy a demon's souls remake if they make one because i know they'll find a way to fuck invasions up

it was 20fps on ps3 and that is 60fps on pc

5-2 is great you scrub.

This. They lose relevance, impact, and are simply lost as they're overtaken by better games. They just aren't as good as newer games that improve on the originals, much like how nobody watches silent films anymore

>tedium, good
>QoL, bad

quick run down on world tendency?

No point in playing it without Monk, bloodstains, messages, PvP, WT events, etc. I'm not going to play it on PS3 either to be fair.

What does DeS do better than DaS?

the only way its "aged badly" is because you cant play it properly anymore

Also, the levels are much better.

This but unironically. Shit Souls 1 makes DeS and DS2 feel like fucking Bloodborne.

Attached: Souls IQ.jpg (1080x827, 143.78K)

>Also, the levels are much better.
Oh god

scraping spear
old monk
no retarded covenant bullshit, you can get the black stone really early and you just invade, no convoluted zoomer reward system

metropolis is better than 80% of good recent movies

>aged like milk

Attached: 1024px-Bleu_de_Gex.jpg (1024x768, 137.35K)

How is 5-2 great?
>Extremely sluggish forcing you to be in a Poison swamp for almost all of it
>It's boss is pathetically easy
>No shortcut if you die

>"Demon's Souls is bad."
>"Actually, Demon's Souls is good. Here's a webm"
>"What is the webm supposed to show?"
>"That it can run at 60FPS in an emulator."
discussions on 4channel sure are enlightening

>DS3 is more refined, has better everything and more QoL
>Somehow people say it's the worse game of all time

Imagine being this much of a fucking contrarian elitist.

The older souls game had much better lighting than newer ones. Sure it was mostly baked in but god damn if it wasn't better still.

The more you die in Soul form, the more your black world tendency goes up. If you beat bosses tho in non-Soul form, your white tendency goes up.

He's correct at least from an atmosphere standpoint. No quality dips as bad as DaS, and the locations are much more grounded.

Yeah, but Citizen Kane isn't. Metropolis isn't that good either. Literally Tiger King is more compelling

das3 is trash, it has less replayability than BB since the only viable build is boring quality ones

you forgot to mention that ds3 is the easiest game of the series which is why it is the worst, you retard

>This. They lose relevance, impact, and are simply lost as they're overtaken by better games. They just aren't as good as newer games that improve on the originals, much like how nobody watches silent films anymore
This is exactly what people mean when they say something has “aged”. You’re being autistic.

Please name the Demon's Souls levels that are as bad as absolute dogshit like Demon Ruins, Izalith, Valley of the Drakes, Great Hollow, Crystal Cave, etc.

I was making a joke retard. I know what I said is basically what people mean when they say something ages.

What was the rationale behind the invisible paths in crystal cave? was it solely to annoy the fuck out of players, or is there some actual meaning?

Thank you both for proving your idiocy and elitism on your own. I guess you smash your dick with a hammer on a daily basis over every mistake you make just to prove how much of a man you are.

nice, a perfectly built argument, as expected from a high quality discussion on 4channel

DeS invasions were kind of retarded. The ability to heal constantly was objectively shit.

That said I fucking love DeS. It made some stats feel rewarding. Faith giving hp regen with blessed for instance.

>unable to enjoy a game unless it has online components
that's a whole new level of zoom

Absolutely true. Just replayed DeS and DaS1 for the first time in years and it's astounding how much better DeS holds up.

have you even played demon's souls when it came out? the game's online components were a giant part of it
and you're the one calling that guy a zoomer

>Compared to BB, DaS and DaS3? It aged like milk
aging like milk compared to sequels with straight QOL upgrades and feature advancement is not the same as aging like milk you fag

It says a lot if the game is only enjoyable with online and not on its own.

I mean, the online part of souls games is kind of a big deal.


It's a neat side thing and absolutely unnecessary to get the best these games have to offer.

That's EXACTLY what makes games age you incredible dumbass.

Soul of the shitposter, key to unlife's ether.

That's not how graphs work.

>Also, the levels are much better.

Examples please

I've played it numerous times since I got it (late 2010) you turbo autist. Online is a fun accessory, nothing more.

DeS invasions were the best part of that game though
especially invading new players, it was such a blast invasing 2-1 and using the scraping spear, the baby's nail and the plague cloud spell against new players

Dark Souls 2 better than 3 though except visuals

>Have autism
>Make up motivation for others without understanding anything
I've already experienced all the content in the game repeatedly. No point in a well-versed veteran like me returning to a stale experience.

>"Actually, Demon's Souls is good. Here's a webm"
Take your meds. I called you a faggot, I didn't say anything more.

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I like being a contrarian sometimes when I'm bored but holy shit this is some new level of dumb.

>No quality dips as bad as DaS

What do you mean by this?

the operative term is LIKE MILK
hl1 did not age LIKE MILK just because episode 2 gameplay versus the Hunter NPCs is GOAT

nah he's right

said nobody with a working brain
>quoting yourself
bad form, user.

Here you go:
What makes the levels better is that there aren't a bunch of dogshit levels like Dark Souls 1

Today OP was a faggot. I'm glad we could all agree.

>That said I fucking love DeS. It made some stats feel rewarding. Faith giving hp regen with blessed for instance.

Didn't they bring that back in DS3?

it was shit in das3, just like anything that wasnt a boring quality build
god that game sucked

DeS is fucking great. You know what else is great? Cheese. You know how they make cheese?

Old milk.

It's bad because there is endless rolling which removes the strategy aspect of the combat which made it great in the first place.
It's bad because there is too much oh look DS1 remember? We listened to you and now we deliver hehe pay us.
Well these two make it bad.

I'm quoting you. You were a late adopter that missed the game at its peak. For the original pioneers like me, there's no point in coming in for a hacked-up truncated experience.

The more you died the more max HP you would lose and the more in the black the world tendency would get. Beating a boss would reset your HP and add a ton of white tendency to couterbalance the black.
The more into black tendency you got, the harder the mobs became, gaining more hp/damage/defense, sometimes additional mobs spawning, and at the very darkest tendency every level would have 1-4 red phantoms invade you and fuck you up.

They kept the HP degradation going forward but they completely dropped the mobs getting stronger/weaker and the special mobs spawning.

It was a glorious mechanic that would punish terrible players to a point where they'd be at the minimum HP they could have and in pure black tendency, getting constantly railroaded by super mobs. Thats where the 'gitgud' meme comes from.

When a game releases on its time, it becomes the standard.
When a sequel comes out with improvements and QoL features that alleviate tedium, that becomes the new standard and makes the old game look like a chore, hence it aged badly with the new standard.

And that's not a bad thing, it's natural progress and evolution.

now you're weaselling out of it by saying they just aged "poorly"
cut your losses