Poop Simulator '99


Attached: digi.png (790x629, 1.12M)

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i wish digimon would poop right into my mouth.

i would chew it and swallow it like a good little boy

poopy funy haha

The bigger the mom, the bigger the poop

>Open up user, you don't expect me to just leave it on the ground, do you?
Wat do?

Attached: 1572560327224.jpg (1200x1600, 192.33K)

Pooping and death were necessary mechanics to add consequence to gameplay. Only casuals complain and you literally cannot prove me wrong

This coomer shit is why pokemon won

user pokemon has more porn than 90% of game franchises combined

I wouldn't. But I would let her piss all over me and spit on my mouth.

Who's complaining? DW1 was legit a much better game than Pokemon Red. If they'd actually stuck with and tried to refine the game's basic formula instead of blindly thrusting in every direction with terrible turn based games then maybe they'd have had a chance.

usually whenever dw1 is talked about in a legitimate sense nearly every complaint is related to digimon dying or pooping
people are also still under the assumption that digimon was ever really competing directly with pokemon outside of dawn and dusk and maybe dw3

Just go down and then left, it's literally the next screen.

Or Europeans, your mon literally shits twice as often in non-NA releases, which I can see being pretty obnoxious

>your mon literally shits twice as often in non-NA releases
Never heard about this, sauce?


Attached: angewomon pooop.jpg (1109x1553, 1.29M)

bad luck user, it's right. you've just done a shit in a field. now what?

>and you literally cannot prove me wrong
Of course I can since the game is shit.

>Repetition = Good

And you wonder why it fucking died with DW1

>and you wonder why it died with dw1
>he says as digimon games are still being made
the world formula died with next order though and there were a lot of factors going into that

I saw it mentioned on a speedrun (by Raikou I think), with that being cited as the reason everyone runs the NA version

Is your name JustinRPG?

How is it possible that there are people on earth that find excrement erotic? How?

>the world formula died with next order though
It died years ago with DW2 when people realize how fucking retarded it was. Redigitized was streamlined and was better received but sold like shit, Next Order tried to simplify it but it didn't work out.

user dw2 isn't the world formula despite the name

The World series is less popular than the Story series and the reason why they haven't gone back to it was because the system is flawed and not fun.

It's part of the same series.

flawed sure but fun is subjective. the first world game could've easily ironed out a lot of issues
next order went full hand holdy baby mode and over simplified basically every aspect which defeats the purpose of a game like that
pokemon ranger is the same series as pokemon but you're not going to call that the mainline formula retard. digimon world 2 plays closer to etrian odyssey than digimon world 1

I hate that the german version had a bug that prevented you from finishing the main story. At some point, some bandit agumon kept saying the same thing over and over and didnt let you into a cave

Despite all the dlc shit, Im glad that we now live in a time where online patches exist, tiny me could have really used that back then

Couldn't find anything relating to pooping frequency with a quick search, but the PAL version is notoriously bugged so that you can't complete the game

>pokemon ranger is the same series as pokemon
No it's not. It's in its own meta franchise. The World series is separate from the Story series

it's the same with the world series. the digimon world games are digimon world 1, digimon world re:digitize, and digimon world next order. digimon world 2-4 as well as ds/dawn and dusk were misnamed and if they were made today they would not be called world games. the world formula and series specifically are monster raising games where you don't have full control over the non turn based combat and light city building elements.
digimon world 2 is etrian odyssey lite
digimon world 3 is borderline a pokemon clone
digimon world 4 is the poor man's crystal chronicles/diablo
dawn and dusk/ds are a fuckin mess

>a time where online patches exist
>devs still don't fix bugs
>devs are unable to fix bugs
>it would be years later that some bored a fuck person fixes bug with some small minor patch or code
Yeah, truly a great time

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Maybe a tiny bug, but not a gamebreaking bug that hinders you from playing through the whole game, affecting all players from multiple countries

My Swede copy worked fine.
